Hello, guys! It’s my turn to post the release this time around, enjoy!
♪ Staff Applications: we're seeking 1 new permanent mod. The
application post will be open till 09 May.
♪ Activity Check: As mentioned last month, I'm going to start checking member activity. If your last update was before 1 March, you'll be marked as inactive. Players
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Comments 27
1 majipiano06
2 deattekara01
3 wired04
4 (pending)
5 ronpa15
6 findtheblue09
7 rakuennotobira04
8 nijiirokuma20
sp takahirosakurai10
pz tethealla09
and both event cards, thank you!
1. Ronpa11
2. Find the Blue06
3. Wired09
4. Rakuen no Tobira03
5. Deatte Kara02
6. Maji Piano05
7. Blood Teller09
8. Euphoric Field10
Pz. Tethealla02
Sp. Sakurai Takahiro02
Donated. Family04
And also the two event cards! Love the new layout ♥
Taking freebies: (regular) bemyangel12, taishoua09, narakunohana02, superscription11
(special) koyasutakehito20
(puzzle) fiancee10
I just took 4 regular cards since I'm unfamiliar with the rest of the deck series here. Do I need to pick 8?
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