Title: The One Where Karl isn't as Sensitive as Expected
fortassetu and
credulesquePairing: Chris Pine/Karl Urban
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~3,500 of basically pure PORN.
Summary: In which Chris teases Karl about his questionable acting choices and Karl gets his payback.
A/N: This is the first fic I've ever co-written with anyone and IT WAS FUN, Laura dahlink
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Comments 112
When they come back inside they'll still stink of it and they'll try to talk to me, but I'll just be staring off into space thinking of Karl and Chris fucking and nnnnnnnngh. It will be entirely inappropriate.
Gosh, but things like this almost make me feel okay about shipping real people.
thank you bb! ♥
Guh. What's better than gorgeous men being naked and sweaty and having glorious, naked, sweaty sex with the added fuzzy bonus of a joint? NOTH-ING. \o/
his hand sliding down the curve of his spine to grip his ass
I think I have an ass kink. I'm quite obsessed.
Also you can't tell that this was a collabrative effort and thats always the litmus test. This is all the coherency I have left in me (it took me three times to type 'also' properly). *falls over*
PS. Garbage's Queer just came on my mp3 player. I LOL'd. :')
What's better than gorgeous men being naked and sweaty and having glorious, naked, sweaty sex with the added fuzzy bonus of a joint?
that is clearly a rhetorical question y/y? o.O
sjakdhaj YAY i am so glad, that is one thing i was worried about but i think between us we read it over about 4 or 5 times LOL :P
aha, i loooove garbage! ♥
Garbage ftw. Some good porn writing songs in their discography. ♥
Guh, your ICON. In that scene, I couldn't stop STARING at Chris' face because it really did look puffy and like he'd had seven bells hit out of him! Good make up + good acting +..uh, good cameras? Yum.
lolol of course the first song that comes to mind "sex is not the enemy" :P
SJHDAJS RIGHT? JFC. EVEN WITH THE BLOODY TISSUE UP HIS NOSE HE LOOKS A+++ HOT idek. and um, your icon *STARES* crazy, dangerous neo-nazi!chris pine? hell yeah O_O
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