I've finished the book some hours ago, and I am not going to comment about it here right now to not spoil my FList. But when you finish it and want to talk, I am bursting to chat about it... so e-mail me, if you want to!
We got there late due to some last minute costuming issues. Kix went as Bellatrix in a dead-on perfect costume my sis made (she's a dab hand at sewing) and I wore Snape-style professor robes and went as Narcissa Malfoy (robes also courtesy my sis). We brought posters to market the Death Eaters and convince people to join the dark side... "Join the Dark Side!" "The Dark Lord Rules!" ""Free Tattoo!" "We have cookies" (people would ask for some and we're like, "oh, we're not SHARING. We're just saying we HAVE them. We're evil; evil does not SHARE...") and I had made a book-canon style stamp of the Dark Mark and we were advertising Free "tattoo" with membership... and of course cajoling people to join the Dark Lord's exploits (GREAT torture and torment field trips! Mayhem is FUN! Join the RIGHT side, skip the Light side! We have a great medical plan-- no prescriptions... if you get sick we simply kill you!). The vast majority of people came to us -- there was a horcrux scaveneger hunt and we had Horcrux #1, so they HAD to at least come by our station-- and 99% of them (approximately) joined up. yay! Go Death Eaters! WE RULE!
We (me, my brothers, kix, sometimes my sis and dad, Lucius/friend Stephanie, and three other DE friends) were running the booth, although eventually Lucius and the DEs left it in my command (a wise move!). We made people kneel before us and take the oath... That they would give the dark lord a hand (literally), kill, maim, torture, play video games, eat candy til they puke, kick the cat, cause chaos, and never EVER laugh when the Dark Lord sings Elvis on karaoke night... (it changed person to person...) and then we'd do a "morsemorde curse" and boom, slap on the mark. It was a lot of fun... I was palming the stamp (not well, probably, but I tried) and it was GREAT when I'd pull it off right-- just tap my wand over my hand over their forearm and yell "morsemorde" and the stamp would appear on a kid's arm and they'd look SO amazed.... We started getting minions -- these little boys who were SOOOO into it, who would spy and report on the doings of the Order and chase the Harry Potters... and turned to me as their leader and I'd send them on missions, and make snide comments. They were adorable; it was a blast.
We also did several cruciatus curses, including making the tougher looking men put on a "Miss Spider" teapot on their heads and sing "I'm a little teapot " (complete with pantomime) to get their dark marks. Humiliating young college boys in front of their girlfriends is so much fun!( I could get into this Evil thing. I was so the female Lord Voldemort LOL. ;) I even inducted Sirius Black AAAAAND James Potter-- but not before I Avada Kedavra'ed him... he fell to the floor 'dead', then I reanimatd him as an Inferi and forced him to join our ranks. I love it when people have fun and play!)
The only bad thing about working the booth is I missed on most of the other things happening-- didn't even get many pictures-- tarot reading, the Snape debate, and Magis did a potions demo that looked amazing on setup but I've no idea how it played out... and I did NOT get to mingle enough-- I had like 30 friends there in all (including some who came up from Sarasota -- thanks guys-- plus kix's sister and mom and foxmagic and a bunch of others) and yet didn't spend much time just hanging with anyone.... but that's ok, because I *really* liked helping run the DE booth. I kept trying to convince a Gilderoy Lockhart to join us, but he wouldn't-- he was there with his kid and wife and couldn't remember his character's name even (poor thing didn't even know he was completely in character for that, being in St. Mungo's and all). Can you tell I got really into it? It was like improv. I loved it, and hope our contribution helped make the event more fun... especially for the kids, they were all so adorable. But making the adults laugh was great fun, too. Especially one guy who we hit with the Teapot Cruciatus that was SO embarrassed... and his friends will NEVER let him live it down, they got it on video!
All in all they hosted a FABULOUS party, and I'm just glad we got to do something to try to help a bit.
Only sad things: Kix did not win the costume contest (awwww!) and one Really Bad thing:
I mentioned that I was REALLY into it, right? And especially playing with the kids-- I love kids. And my minions were in an Epic Battle with a little Harry Potter ... and called me in, saying they had brought young Harry to me... so we faced off in a proper duel... and I hit him with a petrificus totalis like WHOA. Of course it worked, and he was like a stone, his teeny wand clasped between his hands. I went to him and touched his wand with my left hand, saying wow, he was really petrified-- one of his friends tried to grab mine from my right, and at that moment I guess my concentration broke, because the spell came undone and he could move! he yanked the wand away--- catching it on my finger and...
I broke Little Harry Potter's wand. Snapped it clean in two.
Go ahead-- take in the scene-- big bad death eater and a 7 year old Harry, tearing up over the broken bits of wand.
I felt TERRIBLE... took him to see if we could get glue...(by the way-- going off with a death eater, no parents? NOT smart. But anyway.) but he said it was ok... but I felt AWFUL about it.
I offered to buy him a new one but he said no. I still feel bad. I broke Potter's wand.
That's just... Evil.
Oh wait. Death Eaters. Yeah. Whups. That makes sense (I was surprised his parents didn't come to complain.)
But overall-- great night. I'm sad that it's over, but kind of glad too.
And now the book is over for me, too. :/ Now what do I have to look forward to? *sigh*
Oh yes... Vacation. And then... Halloween... and SWEENEY TODD. ;)