boy: cup your hand over it. the wind.
-: oh, yeah, that.
boy: come a little closer, huh? i can't get it to light.
-: oh yeah, okay.
boy: can i put my hands in your pockets? they're cold.
-: um, yeah, okay.
boy: thanks.
-: what now? you wanna stand here, or should we go?
boy: go where?
-: subway somewhere? -pause- we could take the subway somewhere? we could get some drinks, er, something.
boy: are you nervous?
-: -shakes head-
boy: you're so nervous right now.
-: shut up. i have a headache. do you have anything?
boy: i have some DXM... some Valium? do you want something like that? i only have pills.
-: just give it to me, huh?
boy: what, do you have something to wash it down with? do you need something?
-: -pause, fumbles in boot for flask- no, no.
boy: you wanna go then?
-: okay.
boy: you say 'okay' a lot.
-: not much else to say.
boy: do you wanna find a girl? would that make you more comfortable?
Sydney is a fucktard.
and possibly a whore.