1. Name: Megumi Hanajima
2. Birthday: October 31
3. Place of Residence: Currently, London
4. What makes you happy: ...*shrugs*
5. What are you listening to now/have listened to last: My sister's typing on the keyboard, and the washer's running.
7. An interesting fact about you: I don't believe there's anything particularly interesting about me.
8. Are you in love/have a crush at the moment: No.
9. Favourite place to be: My dormroom is nice, or my room here in London is quite nice as well.
10. Favourite lyric: Everything isn't meant to be okay
11. Best time of the year: I suppose the present time is the best. Fresh out of school, with the whole summer to look forward to.
12. Weirdest food you like: I tend to like normal foods, myself.
1. A film: I can't think of any at the moment...
2. A book: I can't think of any good books, either.
3. A song: Hmm...anything by Green Day is pretty good.
1. One thing you like about me:
2. Two things you like about yourself: ...I'll get back to you on that.
3. Put this in your journal so I can tell you what I think of you.
4. POST A PICTURE OF YOU! Isn't that what the pictures we have on our journals are for?
I've arrived in London now, and should be here for the remainder of the summer...Kou, Al, Fletcher, are you still coming over my house before and after the Quidditch World Cup?