A look inside my skull:
What is your opinion on the treatment of house elves? It's not as good as it could be.
Do they receive better or worse treatment today as compared to centuries past? Better, I reckon.
Do you believe that they should be freed? If they'd like it.
What is your general consensus on the classes here at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wiazardry? They're fantastic! I've learned loads more than I'd have done otherwise!
What is your favourite class and why? Charms
Do you feel that you learn everything you can in your classes? I'd imagine so, sure!
Is the usage of using these online Journals a good or bad thing? Why? It's brilliant! It's fast and has a certain quasi-permanence that makes one think more before posting.
What house are you in? Gryffindor Pride! Woo!
Why do you think you were chosen to be placed in the house? Because I'm loyal and brave! shut it, Parkinson
If you the Sorting Hat were to put you in a different house, which would it be? Ravenclaw?
What do you think of Quidditch? It's the best ever! GO, GRYFFINDOR! WOO!
Do you think there should be a “Varsity” and a “Junior Varsity” divisions of each house team, which would result in eight teams as opposed to the traditional four? Nah, not so much.
Do you think more sports or extra-curricular activities should be added so that students have the opportunity to represent their houses? It wouldn't hurt. Wizards' chess, maybe?
What is it that you want to do once you Graduate? Be a professional Quidditch player or photographer.
What dreams and aspirations do you have for yourself and for those around you? Success?
What do you think of the events going on in the Wizarding World? I don't, much.
What about the events in the Muggle World? ::blink::
What is your opinion of Muggles and Muggleborns? Why do you think that way? Erm, being muggle-born, I reckon the answer is self-apparent.
Now, some general questions:
Favourites -
Foods: Pasta
Drink: Pumpkin juice
Book: Qudditch Through The Ages
Picture: Don't make me choose!
Class: Potions. JUST KIDDING! Charms.
Season: Autumn
Candy: Chocolate frogs
Store: Apothecary
Holiday: Christmas
Dislikes: Mean people.
Food: Haggis
Drink: Firewhiskey...
Book: Magical Me by Gilderoy Lockhart
Picture: One I took of Goyle vomiting in someone's satchel.
Class: Potions. Not kidding this time.
Season: Winter, but it's not so bad.
Candy: Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans
Store: anything on Knockturn Alley... ruddy creepy
Who do you ….:
Like: Most Gryffindors
Dislike: Many Slytherins, but not all
Love: -
Hate: That's a strong word.
Admire: Harry
Respect: Hermione
Disrespect: Bulstrode
Superlatives: For each, you can choose two. A male and a female.
Most likely to have a smile on their face: Seamus and Ginny
Most likely to have a frown: Draco and Bulstrode
Most likely to be late for class: Neville and Parvati
Most likely to fail a test: Neville and Parvati
Most likely to be early for class: Draco and Hermione
Most likely to pass a test: Harry and Hermione
Most likely to lend a helping hand: Harry and Hermione
Most likely to make a difference in the world: Harry and Hermione
Most likely to forget their homework: Neville and Parvati
Most likely to get a detention: Ron and Parkinson
Class Clown: ?
Prettiest Smile: Harry and Ginny
Prettiest eyes: Harry and erm... Parkinson
Best Personality: Harry and Hermione
Best Hair: Harry and Ginny
Best style: Harry and Parkinson
Most Likely to succeed: Harry and Hermione