Okay so where to start?
Craig you are a dirty dirty liar you silly boy. He's like psh no I'm not doing drugs MANNY is. And then Ellie's like okay whatever you say. I'm kind of angry that Ellie believed him because if the drugs were Manny's wouldn't she have taken them with her...? Besides, BOYS LIE!! REMEMBER THAT NEXT TIME ELLIE! Just kidding....
Thank god for Manny dumping Craig. She acted smarter than Ellie did. Which is kinda sad, but whatever. Manny is maturing as a character and she's becoming more complex and less girl-next-door-turned-hottie-slut kind of thing. Which is good. Because she needed to grow up from the whole 3rd and 4th season drama rama. ANYWAY BACK ON TOPIC!
I love love love LOVE Taking Back Sunday so I was pretty happy with this episode. Wheee Taking Back Sunday!! Craig sounded like such a groupie when he said "I love MakeDamnSure--it's one of my faves!" I kind of laughed on the inside...
Jessie/Jesse (I forget how they spell it...) was all RAR I DON'T LIKE YOU CRAIG and I wish Ellie had listened when he said that he might be the one actually doing the drugs. I don't hate Jess(i)e and I think he was sort of looking out for Ellie in a protective yet arrogant way? There did seem to be a hint of jealousy... Whatever they're going to break up anyway.
Wow I'm writing more than I expected... Anyway.
Was anyone else really sad when Ellie was sitting in her group about to cry and pulling her elastics because Craig wasn't there? It made me sad because she trusts Craig and she loves him but he's just being a dummy.
So anyway the whole drug thing is settled and Craig tried to coax Ellie into letting him keep on snorting coke by saying I love you. Knowing that the reason he kissed her was just to use her made the first Crellie kiss seem somewhat less special... And then at the airport. Ellie pulled out her smart cards and decided that if he lied about the drugs how could she trust him any longer? Smart. But sad. Because I want them to be together but Craig was just being so stupid. Perhaps they shall learn to trust again later on??