Not exactly awake. Not exactly tired, but definitely worn out. A little antsy.
I need to do...something. I don't love work right now. It's stressful, and I'm worn and tired when I get home. So tired. The lethargy is hard to combat, and I end up napping, and then I can't fall asleep. Then I'm tired at work, which makes it more stressful, and then there's more lethargy...bad pattern. I feel out of balance.
I want to sign up for golf lessons, or at least go to the driving range. I unintentionally dropped golf when I started working out. I feel like it's a waste of time when I should be working out, but I don't work out when I'm's not exactly entertaining. Maybe I need an entertaining workout, like hiking. I live a quarter mile from the trail heads...why have I never gone hiking??? This must be resolved.
Preparing to be a firefighter is harder than college. I seem to remember it being easier to motivate myself to do homework than it is to get me to go jogging. I'm so out of shape, STILL, and I have so far to go. Must. Work. Harder.
No, I must play harder, because only then will I be motivated to work. I've been too tired to play, so I've only been working and being lazy. But not this weekend. a pie...sunbathe...go to a little concert... this weekend will kick ass.