Aww, I love you. =) It really sucks that your endpin fell (what the crap is that?! damn bass, it really does deserve to be thrown in the fireplace. a really, really big fireplace, where it'll actually fit. otherwise you'd have to break it into pieces and then burn it all piece by piece -- i'll shut up now.) during the solo, but taking that into consideration, you really did kick ass. You got a superior! Khouri rocks, too, heh. And heh, thanks for saying I was a good sport, lol...but yeah, pianists deal with that all the time, like, people asking the DAY before S&E "can you do my accompaniment?" And then afterwards, "oh, it's $20? Naw, that's okay...I'll just give you 5." And there's just so much bullshit. But it was really cool playing with you, Toni. =) The piece rocked, and so do you. I love you.
Comments 4
I was so happy to hear that! :D
PS - Who is that sexy woman on your LJ-icon?
P.S. I have your $20, lol.
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