Intro post

Apr 01, 2013 21:41

This is a friends only journal! If you know me, and I know you, post a comment here to be added as a friend.

Additionally, i have a little-used filter for posts that involve personal rants, sexual content, more personal feelings, etc.
if you would like to be privy to thoughts that might not make it to the rest of the world, indicate this in your comment. if that might bother you, then by all means don't ask to be on the filter. i will not ever add someone without it being requested, and very few are denied access, so it doesn't hurt to ask!
in any case, this journal is a "read at your own risk" area. ;) if anyone ever wants to be taken *off* the filter, or removed from the friends list entirely, please let me know that also. :) no hard feelings.


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