From the first part of this entry: Suzaku released Lelouch's arms, and didn't wait for the pain that would pierce Lelouch's face. He pushed his chair out of his way and kneeled, pressing a kiss to Lelouch's inner wrist.
Lelouch let out a shuddering breath, and said, "Ask me."
"Will you marry me?" Suzaku murmured into Lelouch's skin.
Stroking the side of Suzaku's face with his free hand, Lelouch bent to whisper, "Yes."
Stunned, the siblings looked on. After a decidedly long pause, Nunnally said, "Well, that's new."
"Yes," Cornelia agreed, drawing her blade, "It is."
"Cornelia," Schneizel reminded gently, "We just had this carpet re-done. Kick him out the window if you must."