Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 7 people to be tagged.
1. I have been in the States twice. That is the only other country I have ever been to (and once was as a baby and I dont remember it).
2. When I get drunk I always smash my knees. I don't know why.
3. I am a speed reader, but only on paper, computerwise I'm practically illiterate.
4. I am the 6th person in recorded medical history to have my particular type of bone tumour. Take that average people!
5. I have been a vegetarian for around 15 years.
6. I have been a Pagan for almost as long.
7. I do my friends homework for money, because I can't pay my utilities otherwise.
8. I think syphillis is nifty- but only in an academic way. I don't actually want to contract it.
9. It is a lifelong goal of mine to preform an emergency tracheotemy on someone and save their life. Fuck CPR.
10. I am just to the right of being a Socialist (be afraid, I'm going to destroy society Mwah ha ha ha)
11. I love school, and learning. If money was no object I'd stay in school forever.
12. I sleep at least 9-10 hours a day, more when my depression rears its ugly head.
13. I only wear black and blue. I really like those colours, it's not a gang thing, honest.
14. I have no idea what colours would actually look good on me (make up or clothes wise). I dont really care enough to find out.
15. I can't walk in high heels. I've tried, but never mastered it. Considering it physically deforms you, I'm not too upset.
16. I am a ENTP, apparently. We're the "Mad Scientist" type. We gather information, and occasionally use it for evil.
17. I really want to be a forensic psychologist, but because of my left over issues from the tumour, and the surgery, and money I've accepted this will probably never happen.
18. As screwed up as my life is I'm still the most successful person in my family, and that's both inspiring and sad.
19. Urban fantasy is my favourite genre, followed closely by comic book adaptation, then sci fi.
20. I think religion and science should be able to co-exist. If they can't then you're doing one or both wrong.
21. I really like the music of Robert Johnson (the greatest Blues man to ever live)-but I only got into it because Dean from Supernatural likes it and that makes me feel stupid. The only reason I read Call of the Wild was becasue it was quoted on a Buffy episode.
22. I don't like "the Classics". Most old books, music, TV, etc. seem to be around because no one wants to be the one to stand up and say that sucks! The stories are too predictable at this point, the writing dreary, and Shakespeare is a hack. Fuck Shakespeare. I think this means I have no taste.
23. I love pasta and eat far more of it than is altogether good for me. Chocolate too.
24. 146 is my favourite number.
25. I really like Native guys and I also like People of Colour with upper crust British accents. I think that means I'm fetishizing the Other, and thats bad-but so, so HOT.
Tagging...uh, lets say
kateristic rockkei fearthemeatball shallowesque .... shit I don't know, if you see this and it looks interesting, do it.