if my teeth were big and chiclety i would smile a lot

Oct 07, 2005 02:36

Tonight a crazy drunk black guy crashed my IHOP study party. He ordered enough food for 10 people then tried to pay with bullshit hurricane fund money or something. Over my music I could hear him bitching about mashed potatos and calling the cops if the waiter tried to take his food away. This was after he fell asleep on the table. Nothing is ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

knowsurprises October 7 2005, 10:57:02 UTC
How can someone have so many teeth and not one of them look even remotely nice. seriously who the fuck smiles like that? This picture is scarier then those masks pictures you posted earlier. You should take this shit and submit it to the mask making people to give them another idea. It's too damn early to be looking at shit like this...I'm going to go shower now. bye bye.


davidplaciddj October 7 2005, 18:44:13 UTC
I saw you on campus the other day, btw. =)


anonymous October 7 2005, 23:35:56 UTC
ahhh, I can't login at work. It's not working or something, for some reason. Anyways I am done work at 7 but I spent my bus money on icecream and snacks and crap, so I have to walk home hahaha.. I will be home at 830, I am guessnig. I also managed to pickup a shift tomorrow 12-4! AND I can work another hour or two if I want but I dont think I will.

That's my life man. Work and icecream.
Gotta go


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