Title: Settling the Score
Series: All's Fair in Love and War
Prompt: #60 Score
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 851
Title: Settling the Score
Series: All's Fair in Love and War
Prompt: #60 Score
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with Joss’ toys, but I promise to put them back when I’m done
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 851
Stretched out on her bed, River gazed up at the curved ceiling of her room in the passengers’ quarters. She’d been begging the captain to let her move into the spare bunk in the crew quarters, but he had yet to concede despite the fact that she was now a working member of the ship. It would be the perfect arrangement, she thought. It would allow her to be closer to the bridge if they needed an emergency pilot and would give her some much needed privacy from her brother. It was also right next to Jayne’s bunk, though she didn’t think that would be a big selling point for her to bring up with Mal.
Thoughts of the mercenary in question made a bundle of conflicting emotions bubble up inside her. Ever since the day she gave him the last pair of panties she could spare he’d been acting unusually, leaving notes for her everywhere he could think of. They were nothing more than little scraps of paper really, but they appeared with such frequency that she wondered when he found the time to write them all out. She would have understood if they were angry “I hate you” kind of notes, as he had every right to be upset with her after her torture by panties and it would have been nothing out of the ordinary if they were of the dirty “I want to fuck you” variety. But instead they were love notes, simple and clearly painstakingly written out words of endearment. The concept of Jayne, the man-ape gone wrong, taking the time to tell her that her hair looked pretty yesterday by way of a note stuck to her bedroom mirror boggled the mind.
And it wasn’t just the notes. No, it was as if Jayne’s whole attitude towards her had changed. When they were alone together he would give her sweet lingering looks, take her small hand in his or sometimes brush stray locks of hair behind her ears, but when anyone else was nearby he reverted back to his previously callous self, ignoring her entirely. His seemingly sweet side, while refreshing and quite charming, unnerved her greatly. It wasn’t like him to be so kind to her and she kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Surely, he must have some kind of revenge scheme up his sleeve and waiting for him to make his move was maddening.
With one final look at her bedroom ceiling, River let out a great sigh of frustration and heaved herself out of the bed. She’d had enough of the overly affectionate man and would get to bottom of this if she had to beat it out of him. Pausing at the sliding door of her room, she thought of all the places he might be. He wasn’t in his bunk as she knew he’d been avoiding it and the drawer full of panties for quite some time now, opting instead to spend most of his time working out or eating. A quick detour through the cargo bay showed no signs of him at his weight bench and the only person in the kitchen was Zoë who was slowly stirring a cup of tea.
River didn’t like to read people on a regular basis, she felt it was intrusive and unfair to them, but desperate times called for desperate measures. She opened her mind wide, sending out a mental feeler for Jayne and found him just emerging from the shower. Dashing quickly down to the communal bathroom, she threw open the door just as he was wrapping a towel around his waist.
“Tell me,” she demanded forcefully, all of her body’s muscles rigid with tension.
“Tell you what, darlin’?” he asked, tying the knot to secure his towel around him.
“Your revenge, what is it? The anticipation is too much and I must know now.”
“Ya really wanna know?” He grinned cheekily at her and took a step closer, the movement making River finally notice his state of undress. Water trickled across his skin, matting down the hair on his head and chest. She noded her head distractedly as her eyes followed the trail of hair that led down his stomach and disappeared under his towel.
Busy ogling his half naked body, she was caught off guard when he pulled her into his arms and placed his mouth gently over hers. The kiss was long and slow, nothing like she’d expected his kisses to be, and the fresh taste of water on his lips made her open her mouth against his to taste more. His tongue rubbed firmly over her own and she couldn’t imagine ever having a kiss as sensual as he was making this one. The pure emotion behind it made her knees buckle and her arms wrap tightly around his neck and when he pulled back from her lips she found herself whimpering in disappointment. As she opened her eyes to see his face grinning down at her she knew exactly what his revenge was. The bastard had made her fall in love with him.
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Unconventional Warfare, Prompt #56 Delicate | Next:
The Last Revenge, Prompt #69 Cave>