Some Days (2/2)

May 27, 2007 01:55

Title: Crazy Love
Prompt: #93 Found
Series: Some Days
Rating: PG
Word Count: 444

Title: Crazy Love
Prompt: #93 Found
Series: Some Days
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with Joss’ toys, but I promise to put them back when I’m done
Rating: PG
Word Count: 444

Some days she’s lost and confused and no matter how hard she tries, she can’t make the world right itself again because she can’t figure out what’s wrong in the first place. The worst part about being crazy is not realizing that you are. During her sane periods she’ll overhear things or accidentally catch a train of thought about her and she’ll realize that she’d been acting crazy recently. It’s not that she forgets what she does, but it doesn’t seem all that strange to her until others point it out.

She remembers waking up afraid, shrieking and clawing at the creatures in her nightmares, but who hasn’t had bad dreams? Jayne must have been sleeping next to her, as he always does, though at the time she couldn’t remember that he was her husband and his large form had morphed into one of the monsters that terrorized her. She remembers lashing out at it until she was subdued. People acted irrationally when they were scared, didn’t they? Yet somehow she was crazy and others weren’t. It didn’t make sense, but she trusted her brother and was willing to accept his diagnosis of her mental state.

Jayne gets angry with her some days and she doesn’t always understand why and that makes her angry too. But she forgives him because she loves him and she knows that some days he feels lost and confused too. He doesn’t know how it happened, how he managed let his heart get taken so easily by a girl all but her considered to be mad as a hatter. No longer does he have complete control over his life, he’s lost a little bit of it to her by falling in love and that scares him. She has the power to hurt him more than anyone else ever could and sometimes she does. She doesn’t mean to and most times doesn’t realize she has, but it happens nonetheless. The wounds make him angry because he can’t protect himself from getting them and that part she understands.

Her body is still cold from spending the night in the infirmary and she feels his anger like a hot wall of air as she drops down into their bunk. His face is contorted into a tight grimace, skin sprinkled with sweat and tears. She runs her tingling fingertips across the familiar planes of his face, hoping to soothe his heated mind. She kisses him softly and pulls back to see his cool blue eyes open and lovingly meet her own. Some days they’re both lost and confused, but finding each other is something they’re learning isn’t as hard as they might think.

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