Title: Weights and Measures
Prompt: #15 Increased
Rating: G
Word Count: 340
Title: Weights and Measures
Prompt: #15 Increased
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with Joss’ toys, but I promise to put them back when I’m done
Rating: G
Word Count: 340
River walked heavily into the kitchen with very little of the grace that she was known for and slumped dejectedly into empty chair beside Jayne at the table where he was having himself a mid-afternoon snack of rice mixed with a few protein cubes. It was arguably a whole meal, but he had a voracious appetite and no one seemed to mind that he ate a little more than the rest of them given that the money for his provisions came out of his own pocket anyway.
“She has increased,” River sighed dramatically.
“Increased what?” Jayne asked through a mouthful of rice.
“Increased herself,” she moaned miserably and patting her flat stomach. “She has gained five kilograms this month! Five!”
“Good, yer as skinny as a rail. A little meat on your bones is good for ya.” His easy dismissal of her discontent made her eyes go wide and her frustration level rise.
“She is getting chubby!” She pinched at the skin of her stomach as if to prove her point when she could grab hold of a small soft roll of flesh. He looked over at her prodding insistently at her body and sighed. Women, he thought, always makin’ a fuss over a little bit of weight. Putting down his chopsticks and bowl, he reached over and put his had on top of hers, stopping her self examination.
“Yer getting’ yerself all worked up over nothin’. Yer fillin’ out is all, now that ya got some decent feedin’. ‘Sides once them ribs is covered by more than skin it’s gonna look right sexy.” Flattery always worked, he reasoned. Women couldn’t resist a man tellin’ them they looked good.
“He thinks she will look sexy?” A blush rose to her cheeks and she smiled demurely at him. He nodded seriously and she bounced up in her seat to place a small kiss to his stubbly cheek. “Thank you, Jayne,” she giggled and grabbing a protein cube from his bowl, popped it into her mouth before flouncing out of the room.