Title: Salvation
Prompt: #57 Hell
Rating: PG
Word Count: 497
Title: Salvation
Prompt: #57 Hell
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with Joss’ toys, but I promise to put them back when I’m done
Rating: PG
Word Count: 497
People always say that the pits of hell are hot, fiery and red where sweat pours off your body like water through a sieve, but Jayne knew that they was all wrong. Hell was cold, wet and muddy and instead of sweat pouring out of you it was blood. He knew this because that was his current condition and it sure felt like hell to him. And if this were hell, he knew exactly what heaven must be like, a warm bed with his girl’s body nestled up all close and tight to his, surrounded by her sweet smell and happy voice.
Yeah, he knew that hell’s probably where he deserved to end up, all the sinnin’ he’d done in his lifetime, but he sure wanted to try for heaven. And that’s why he was trudgin’ through knee high mud while the rain hammered his body, tryin’ to reach the lights of Serenity where she sat at the dockyard in the distance, instead of just lyin’ down and lettin’ himself bleed out and die. If there was a chance of salvation for him, where he could spend eternity with his River-girl who he knew was sittin’ on that ship waitin’ and worryin’ herself sick over him, he would try. He would crawl through hell itself to get to her.
His side ached somethin’ fierce and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could continue to battle the headwind that beat stingin’ rain in his muddy face. He was in constant worry that the thick mud would suck the boots right off his feet every time he took a step, but they remained steadfast, the laces strainin’ against the added weight of the mud when he lifted his foot. He was feelin’ lightheaded from the loss of blood that flowed from the gash in his side that burned with the pull of his skin every time he took a breath.
Finally, he could go no further and let himself down to sit on a slick, mud covered log where he hoped to give his body a little rest before continuin’, but his body had a different opinion on the matter.
That was where River found him, covered head to toe in blood and muck, barely breathing. With the help of Mal and Zoë, she carried him back to the ship where she cleaned the mud from his skin and Simon patched up his holes.
When he awoke, he was lyin’ on the infirmary bed, the bright light they used during surgery directly above him. He had to squint against the intensity of it as he tried to make out anyone else in the room. A shadow passed in front of the light and there she was standing over him. She looked like an angel all backlit and golden. And he thought to himself that God must have forgiven him because even though he hadn’t made it out of hell on his own, heaven had been sent to him.