Title: Prologue
Series Title: Becoming Sleepers Continued
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 370
Title: Prologue
Series Title: Becoming Sleepers Continued
Author: Cricket
Disclaimer: I’m just playing with Joss’ toys, but I promise to put them back when I’m done.
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes: Continues from
Becoming Sleepers, which in turn is a prequel to
Sleepers (alt. version) The Academy, the secret government training facility, recruited the best minds and bodies from across the 'verse with the single goal of shaping them into living weapons. The inherent human flaws made many high ranking officials skeptical of how much success could be expected from the program, but one demonstration from the Academy's star pupil put most fears to rest.
River Tam was by far their greatest achievement. So close to perfection, the doctors themselves marveled at their creation. The natural ability of her mind and body combined with some surgical modifications and intense training had produced a creature of almost limitless potential.
The only mar on her otherwise exquisite file was her iron strong will. She'd resisted them at every turn, refusing to be broken to their needs, and as a result her mind fractured irreparably. Buried beneath layers of psychosis, River Tam remained useless to them. She needed a filter, a mind to connect to, free of conflict and clutter, a clean slate clear of ulterior motives that would serve only to her. She could use it to shield her defenseless mind and store the overflow of bombarding input that flooded constantly through her.
In a last ditch effort to salvage their work, the doctors made the risky decision to combine two of their failed experiments into one.
A reaver had been captured alive years before. Though they'd performed numerous operations to restore the creature's human appearance, its mind was still controlled by the Pax-induced madness. It was proposed that there could be a way to retrieve the humanity inside the beast, but it required a psychic of exceptional power and determination.
And so the reaver had been brought to River. Strapped naked to her bed, River was mere feet from the raging creature in the cage. Informing her that the locks would open in twenty-four short hours, they'd left their two most disappointing creations alone in that small room.
The end result was better than they'd ever hoped and the symbiotic relationship between River and the man-reaver she'd named Jayne was fostered by all at the Academy. With the bond firmly in place and both subjects operational, it was time for the next stage of their training.
chapter one: The Ties That Bind>