there was a van with a television parked in Chicago a while back that was playing a video to protest the fur industry, but nothing nearly this graphic. Mostly just showing animals in small cages - people were pretty much just ignoring it, I am sure they would have gotten much better response from something like this. (although, they probably wouldn't have been able to play it on the street) I knew the whole process was cruel but - fuck that's .. i don't know what the word for it is .., I didn't know they were alive through the whole process.
I couldn't even watch more than 1/4 of that, which is saying something because I'm a sick fuck who would look at almost anything... The tanukis (at least I THINK that's what they were) were way too helpless and cute to see that kind of thing being done to them. I have no idea how those guys can sleep at night.
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