Title: The fortune teller
Rating: PG completely safe!!
Pairing: Ryo x secret!! =D [read to find out]
Characters: Ryo x secret person x Tegoshi x fortune teller [OC]
Summary: Tegoshi and Ryo are shopping when Tegoshi suddenly sees a fortune teller and runs to her to ask about Ryo's future.
"Oh look Ryo-chan! A fortune teller" Tegoshi squealed happily when they were shopping and ran to the stall while pointing to it.
"Tegoshi you're not telling me you actually believe this hocus pocus do you?" Ryo said annoyed and walked with the shopping bags after his friend.
"Well, I found Massu because of a fortune teller. We were both standing at the stall and she said that we would fall in love"
"I bet if she hadn't said that, you both just went your own ways and never would've met"
"Mou Ryo-chan is mean~" he pouted. "You have to believe in faith"
"Fine, whatever you want" Ryo knew this was something that made Tegoshi happy, so he just went with it.
"Konnichiwa" the old lady said and gave her two customers a generous smile.
"Konnichiwa~!" Tegoshi said happily as he skipped from his left foot to his right.
"So where can I help you boys with?" the lady looked at Ryo and Tegoshi.
"Ryo-chan needs proof that fortune telling is real" he said and pointed at Ryo. He looked annoyed and was obviously not amused.
"Oh, I see" the lady nodded and held her hands in front of her, like stopping someone or something.
She closed her eyes and breathed slowly in and out.
"Is she still alive?" Ryo whispered in Tegoshi's ear who was staring at her with great admiration.
"Ssh~!" Tegoshi shushed him, so he looked back at he old lady and her stall.
The stall was painted black with a lot of coloured stars.
She was wearing a big purple headscarf with some white hairs peeking from under it.
Her ears had a lot of piercing and her arms and hands were filled with bracelets and rings.
Suddenly she gasped for air and opened her eyes.
"I see..." she started. "You two have been friends for a long time"
"Too long" Ryo snorted softly.
"You met during high school. You got picked on and you promised to protect him" she pointed from Tegoshi to Ryo.
"Those bags you're holding are not from you. They are all from your friend"
"Wow, impressive" Tegoshi mumbled.
"Not impressive, clever, I saw her standing behind us in line when we were getting our food" Ryo looked back at the lady with a triumphantic look on his face. If she was going to be smarter than him, she had to get up earlier.
"And I see something else!" she started again and held her hands closer to Ryo's chest.
"You broke a heart! You ended your relationship because you felt you were not being honest. You had a big secret for her" This was true. He had broken up with his girlfriend last week, but he still did not believe this old lady.
"What was this secret?" he asked and looked her straight in the eyes.
She was starting to get uncomfortable, but she didn't know if it was because of what she knew or if it were his piercing eyes.
"You're... gay"
"Wow Ryo-chan she's really good isn't she!?"
"Just a wild guess"
"And how about his future? Will he find new love?" Tegoshi ignored Ryo.
"Of course I will-"
"Be quiet!" she stood up, still with her hands as a stop-sign.
"You will meet someone... today! You will bump into each other and he will fall on the ground. Oh... he has such a beautiful face. You both apologize at the same time and smile. He walks away, but before he is completely out of sight, you run after him"
Suddenly the old lady started shaking a bit on her feet and sank back to her chair.
"My powers are exhausting me" she said to herself and held her hand at her chest.
"Wow Ryo-chan, do you hear that? You will fall in love again Tegoshi said moving his eyebrows up and down at the word 'love'.
"Just because she said that, it doesn't mean it's going to happen for real"
"That's ¥1000 please [around $10 I think]" the woman suddenly interfered and held out her hand.
"Ryo-chan can pay it, it will learn him not to spoil the fun" Tegoshi said and walked away through the crowd of people.
"Tegoshi wait" Ryo put down the money on the table and walked after Tegoshi.
It wasn't easy to manoeuvre with these bags through the people and soon Ryo had lost Tegoshi.
He looked around, but now here was a blond haired boy that looked like Tegoshi.
"Can't he see it's all a fraud?" Ryo said when he turned around and felt an impact on his chest.
"Hmpf!" he heard, followed by a loud thud.
On the floor in front of him was a boy with a beautiful face.
Ryo put the bags on the ground and stuck his hand out to him.
"Sorry" they both said simultaneously when Ryo pulled him up and started laughing.
"I'm sorry" the boy said again, cleaning the back of his pants and bowing slightly before walking away.
Suddenly the words of the old lady popped up in his head.
"You will bump into each other, you will both say sorry at the same time and you will walk after him"
Somewhere he wanted to just walk away and proof this old witch wrong, but he couldn't care about his pride now.
Maybe she was right, could she really see the future, he didn't know.
But what he did know was that he didn't want to let this opportunity go by.
Before he lost sight of the man completely, he walked after him, leaving the bags on the ground.
Quickly he had reached the man and grabbed his arm, making him turn around.
"Ano... I'm sorry about earlier, my name is Nishikido Ryo" Ryo said and held his hand out to the man.
"Ueda Tatsuya" the other man smiled and shook Ryo's hand.
"I don't do this very often and you probably think I'm crazy, but would you want to drink something with me?"
"Sure, I'd love to" he smiled again.
- That evening -
"Ryo-chan what are you doing here?" Tegoshi said surprised when he opened the door of his apartment.
"You forgot something" he said and handed the bags to him.
"Ah! Arigatou~! Come in, do you want something to drink?"
"Sure" Ryo walked inside, behind Tegoshi, who dropped the bags on his couch.
"Okay" Ryo answered and Tegoshi walked to his kitchen.
"You'll never guess what happened to me this afternoon" Ryo laughed.
"What?" Tegoshi peeked his head around the corner.
"I met someone"
"Just like that old lady said"
"Really~!?" Tegoshi came out of the kitchen with two cups of coffee.
"His name is Ueda Tatsuya and we went out for a drink"
"Looks like someone finally believes in the powers of fortune telling ne Ryo-chan?" Tegoshi laughed and sat beside Ryo on his other couch.
"Maybe" Ryo said and took a sip of his coffee. "Maybe."
A/N: Haha, I had this idea last night and didn't want to sleep before I had written it down xD Please tell me if there are still some mistakes in it!!
And comment =D
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