As a reminder of all the possible heirs and heiresses, I have informative pictures and little bios! :
Twinkle Name
Named for “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, Twinkle is the oldest child of Generation 2, and she’s also had the most face time so far! (Twinkle: “Damn right!”) She’s got a beautifully interesting variance of traits, and would make for a very interesting Gen 2. She also already has a romantic interest in Dylan Elmore, the result of a random CAS family I added into the neighbourhood for genetic variety. Elmore shares her Insane trait.
Points for Twinkle’s name: 14 (not including multiples)
Pros: Already quite developed character, interesting traits, already has a romantic interest (with the insane trait), only a few days away from YA so can start next generation quickly, will be able to bring around Lorenzo Von Matterhorn. Elf ears. Will unlock 5 letters (9/26). Part time job, AND on honour roll! Decided LTW.
Cons: Slight homicidal tendencies, less genetic variance (greatly favours my simself), would require Huxley to stay with her (as Huxley is the artist) and take up house space, will need to have seven children. Will not allow for the Patriarchy points.
Favourites: Cobbler, Soul music, White
Zodiac: Leo
Huxley Name
Named for the author Aldous Huxley, Huxley is the second oldest child in Gen 2. He’s not had as much face time as Twinkle, but has already shown an interesting, burgeoning character. He has good genetic variance, and has random but well received blonde hair. He’s this generation’s portrait painter, as shown by the picture of Maeve behind him. Despite his thing for the ladies, he has yet to find a romantic interest. (Huxley: I’m trying!)
Points for Huxley’s name: 19 (not including the chance of multiples)
Pros: Artist of the generation (no need to waste house space for a person to paint the portraits), is going to stick around for a while anyway (so may as well get the chance to be the heir), would be able to start up the Patriarchy challenge for extra points, good genetic variety, has an interesting collection of traits, easy to make favourite food. Elf ears. Will allow us to do the Lorenzo Von Matterhorn challenge. Will unlock 5 letters. (Overall 9/26)
Cons: Is still developing his character, we would need to spouse hunt, will need to have six children, a tad narcissistic. (S!T: Just like his old man!). Not on honour roll yet, no part-time job (will sell paintings for money). No decided LTW yet.
Favourites: Hot Dogs, Latin music, Violet
Zodiac: Scorpio
Aslan Name
Aslan is named for the famed lion king of Narnia from the Narnia series. She’s the middle child of Gen 2 with Huxley, and thus has had less face time: her character is shown to be one who is more comfortable on the internet. She has a slight confidence about her, likely due to her name’s nature! She is an intelligent individual, and if chosen would allow me to try an Internet Lover mini-challenge, where she finds her spouse over the internet. However, she WOULD need to go on a spouse hunt. She is a few days away from teenager.
Points for Aslan’s name: 5 (not including the chance of multiples)
Pros: The only child to inherit Maeve’s hair, elf ears. Will skill quickly, and of course will do the clumsy proposal action (which is adorable). Aslan will allow us to do both the Lorenzo Von Matterhorn challenge AND the Arizona Von Matterhorn challenge by the second generation. Will unlock 3 letters (7/26) and open doors to do LVM/AVM. Will allow me to do the Internet Lover challenge and have it be in character! Will only need five children.
Cons: Still young: several days away from YA-hood. Unlocks only 3 letters. Not totally developed character as of yet (Aslan: “Give me a few days!”). Will require Huxley to stay in the house for portraits. Will not allow for the patriarchy challenge.
Favourites: Fried PBJs, Roots music, Pink
Zodiac: Sagittarius
For all the children, I have also provided pictures of them as teenagers. Aslan:
Aslan “If it looks like I haven’t slept, I probably haven’t” Name.
Imperio Name
Imperio is one of triplets and one of the youngest in generation 2. Named for the male version of the name “Imperia”, meaning righteous or royal, Imperio is… none of those. He’s only recently become a child, so has had less of a chance to show his personality but has already put himself forward as one with interesting motives. (Why, exactly, does he speak in rhyme around me? Nobody knows.) Believing I’m out to get him, he might not appreciate being the heir of the house (but I’ll very much enjoy making him suffer). He’s several days away from YA-hood and will be one of the last to hit it. I may do another mini-challenge with Imperio, though I have yet to decide. Playing him will allow me to try the Private Investigator profession!
Points if Imperio’s name is chosen: 8 (not including the chance of multiples)
Pros: Very fun traits with PI profession potential, the opportunity to do another mini-challenge once decided, will be able to start the “Patriarchy” challenge for the points, Will unlock 5 letters (9/26), will have little trouble finding a spouse due to “Friendly” trait, will lead to a fun and chaotic generation with eight children. Elf ears.
Cons: Eight children, cannot unlock LVM/AVM until gen 3, character still developing, will require me to think up rhyming couplets every once in a while for his dialogue (of course, if you want to see me suffer, this is definitely a pro.) Will require Huxley to stay in the house for portraits.
Favourites: Cheesesteak, Pop music, Orange
Zodiac: Leo
For all children, I’ve also provided a teenage picture. Imperio:
Imperio “He’ll probably end up with better eyebrows” Name
Ivy Name
Ivy is the not-totally-socially-adept member of the Gen 2 triplets. She’s shown to be a clever individual who has a penchant for correcting others’ mistakes, but doesn’t very much like people at all. Named after not only the climbing plant, but also the Soul Calibur character, Ivy couldn’t be more different to her ‘human’ namesake. She’s not exactly reserved, but apparently doesn’t like talking to Bertha the Mailwoman very much. She’s one part of the three Genius siblings in the Name household, and will be able to learn skills very quickly. She’s several days away from YA-hood so can’t immediately start the next generation. Playing her will be a challenge to find a spouse, but it might be fun!
Points if Ivy’s name is chosen: 9 points (not including the chance of multiples)
Pros: Genetic variety with Maeve’s skin and predominantly her features, with her other colourings from S!T. Will only need 3 children!!, unlocks two letters (6/26). Genius trait, able to learn skills quickly. Challenge to find spouse, but will most likely be fun. Elf ears.
Cons: Only two letter unlocks, less developed personality wise than her other siblings, cannot unlock LVM/AVM, will require Huxley to stay in the house, will not allow for the patriarchy challenge.
Favourites: Stu Surprise, Indie music (Good.), Black
Zodiac: Capricorn
For all the children, I’ve provided teenage pics as well. Ivy:
Ivy “If You Combine Preppy With Goth You Get Me” Name
Inge Name
Inge Name is the youngest child born in Gen 2, and part of the Gen 2 triplets and the three Genius children in the house. Inge is adorable and has shown herself to be an entertaining, fun character to write in the few shares of face time she’s had. The ‘Eccentric’ trait will allow me to explore the Inventor profession with her and the Unlucky trait will prove very useful in case of sudden deaths. The Genius will allow her to quickly learn her skills. She’s the only child in the generation not specifically named after anyone or anything. She’s one of the most inquisitive members of the generation and will only need to have a good amount of four children. Her traits will make her fun to play overall and will lead to an entertaining generation! She will unlock 3 letters (7/26).
Points if Inge’s name is chosen: 5 (not including the opportunity for multiples)
Pros: Only needs four children, all her traits make her a good competitor for Inventor career, she’s adorable, she’ll quickly learn skills.
Cons: Can’t lead to LVM/AVM, will not allow for the Patriarchy challenge. Will require Huxley to remain in the house.
Favourites: Vegetarian Grilled Salmon, Kids, Purple
Zodiac: Aquarius
All children have also been provided with a teen picture! Inge:
Inge “Outfit Subject to Change” Name
Thank you! And get voting! :D
- Thai