Thankgiving at Hogwarts

Nov 25, 2004 17:44

I was bored so I made a Thanksgiving Fan fic. It takes place in the Great Hall in Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. This fic stars:

The wolves of wolf's Rain
Selena Tyler
Professor Snape
Professor Flitwick
Head Master Dumbledore.

It's a comedy really, I hope you like.

Thanksgiving at Hogwarts

The Great Hall was packed as usual. It was dinner time and all the houses had sat at there tables awaiting there daily banquet. The food would be especially special, because it was Thanksgiving. As the assistant to the head of Ravenclaw house, I was to sit at the staff table up front. The staff was allowed to invite guests to the Thanksgiving dinner, so I had had my wolves flown in from New York to be with me. The only problem was.......I didn’t tell the rest of the staff they were really wolves. They have the ability to disguise themselves as humans and had arrived at the castle that way. I feared that if the rest of the teachers found out that they were wolves, they would be thrown out. I told them to remain in disguise to keep safe.

Kiba and the rest of the pack choose to sit on the floor near the table, rather then sit with the staff. It seemed a bit strange to the teachers. I simply explained that they felt it would be rude to take up seats that the others guests could have. Lucky for me, they bought that story. It was nearing time for the food to be served. Dumbledore stepped up in front of the staff and students. “Good evening everyone.” He began. “We have an excellent feast prepared for you.” I was looking at the pack out of the corner of my eye. I noticed Hige’s eyes grow wide at the mention of a feast. I thought. Hige was the chubbiest out of all the wolves and a had a real passions for food. His eating habits had gotten so bad, that I had to put a special collar on him just to discipline him. Dumbledore continued his little speech. “Let me begin the feast!”

With that said, the tables were instantly filled with food. I got up and went over to the pack. Hige was the first on his feet. He looked overcome with happiness. “Is this paradise?” He asked starting to drool. He feet started moving to Gryffindor table. “WE’VE FOUND PARADISE!” He was about to rush forward to the nearest table, but Tsume grabbed him by the collar, causing him to fall backwards. Blue started to giggle “Hige, you’re so silly.” She said.
“Will you cut the crap?” Tsume said. “We’re all gonna get something to eat.”
“Look at all that food.” Hige said. “They can’t possible eat it all.”
“Nor can you.” Toboe chimed in.
“I wouldn’t be so quick to say that.” I said. I knew deep down they all wanted a chance to go the tables and get to pick something they liked to eat. “I got it. You guys can all go to a table and if you see someone with wish to have, just ask the students near by if you can take. If they say yes, that take what you want.”
“And what if they say no?” Blue asked.
“Then go to another part of the table.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Kiba said. “Lets get some food.” They all split off into different directions. Kiba headed for Ravenclaw table, Toboe to Hufflepuff table, Tsume to Slytherine table, and Hige to Gryffindor table> I catch Blue by the arm just as she was about to go to a table. “Go with Hige, I don’t trust him at all around food.”
“She nodded understandingly and headed to Gryffindor table.

I went back over to the staff table and began to dine from the plate already prepare for me. I was having ham, sweet, potatoes, potato salade, and was ready to have some pie after that. “The house elves did a great job with the food.” I said to Prof. Flitwick, who was sitting next to me. He was so short, that they had to put two phone books on his chair so he could see over the table.
“They never fail to impress me when it comes to the cooking.” He said cheerfully. I was watching to wolves as they browsed their tables. It seemed that Toboe had made a friend at Hufflepuff table. He was deep into a conversation with one of the kids that looked like a first year. Kiba had scored two bug pieces of turkey of Ravenclaw table, and he appeared to be eyeing a ham on the other side. It didn’t surprise me that the only things he was looking at were the meats. Tsume had snagged a cornish hen of the Slytherines table. Tsume never ate that much. I was guessing that would be the only thing he was going to eat for the evening.

Out of the blue, I heard screams from the table to the far left. It was Gryffindors table. The whole staff including myself, stood up. Gyrffindor students were yelling “It’s a big dog!” and “Wolf!”

I saw a huge chestnut brown wolf race down The Great Hall with a 18 pound turkey clenched in his jaws.
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