Stuff Nobody Gives A Fuck About...
1: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says:
"could see the magnificent radiance of his eye and the
2: Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first?
The Framed Picture -Surrational Images By Scott Mutter
3: What is the last thing you watched on TV?
4: What time is it.....WITHOUT LOOKING,
5: Now look at the clock; what is the actual time?
6: With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Tori Amos
7: When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
10 am going to the horrible rotten DMV
8: What are you wearing?
clothes! suprised?
9: Did you dream last night?
10: When did you last laugh?
a second ago..
11: What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Pictures and Paintings
12: Seen anything weird lately?
A grown man in a witch costume and it isn’t Halloween ...
13: What do you think of this quiz?
it's typed by the hands of a lunatic!
14: What is the last film you saw?
Cowboybebop...I feel repetitive
15: If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first?
Cigarettes...honestly I would probably chain smoke and need more smokes if I won.
16: Tell me something about you that I don't know.
I don’t believe in GOD, truly don’t believe.
17: If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Remove all the homeless people that stand on the street with signs. I don’t care where they go as long as they go.
18: Do you like to dance?
Yes, yes I do.
19: George Bush: not my president.............................I wish.
20: Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her?
Natasha Zephoria Stalcup
21: Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him?
Jesse James Stalcup
22: Would you ever consider living abroad?
fuck yeh! who wouldn't!
Whats in your Wallet?
A dollar bill, change, my cards, checkbook, receipts, ID, Passport
[Do you smoke cigarettes?] Fuck yeh!
[Have you ever slept in an alley or park?] Yes and once inside the cement of an overpass
[Shoe size] 5 1/2-6
[Fave Number] 3
[Fave Colour] Pink, Red, Black
[Fave Day] Sunday (the day W.P. and I have off together)
[Fave Month] March or October (repeating myself again)
[Fave Song] Volcano by Damien Rice
[Fave Movie] The Secretary
[Fave Food] Sushi!
[Fave Drink] Tea or Beer
[Fave TV Show] Right now I love Desperate House Wives (can’t believe I am admitting this)
[Fave Word] Me
Top 10 things i'm usually doing
1. Drinking
2. Messin round online
3. Going to the bar
4. Listening to Music
5. Sleeping
6. Watching TV/movies
7. Cuddling with W.P.
8. Cooking/Cleaning
9. Working
10. Cuddling with W.P.
when did u last have cup of tea: am right now
bar of chocolate: Months ago. Can’t remember so long ago.
Alcoholic Drink: Tuesday afternoon. Made myself a Spiced Rum.
Cigarette/roll up: This Afternoon maybe 1:30 or so!
illegal substance: Months ago.
Cuddle: last night, mmmm, I miss it already (sick I know).
kiss: This morning at 5:25 am (before W.P. left for work)
Real Laughter: Every fucking day!
Meal out: New Years...Sushi...yum.
Trip to the Cinema: Oh crap! That Puppet one it was funny, why can’t I remember the name America World Police I think
gig: Went to see Hate Nick Four on New Years great show.
The top 10 things to do While Stuck In Traffic:
1) Turn the radio on.
2) Ignore the other drivers.
3) Look at someone in the next car and try to stare them out.
4) Light a cig
5) Day dream.
6) Stick my tongue out at everyone.
7) Pick my nose (just kidding).
8) Annoy everyone.
9) Change the radio channel.
10) Orgasm really loudly.
Guys/Girls: both!
Green/Blue: blue
Pink/Purple: Pink
Sleep/Stay Up: Stay Up
Summer/Winter: summer
Spring/Fall: Fall
Night/Day: Night
Hanging Out/Chilling: hang out! fuck yeh
Friends/Lovers: Lover
Cold/Warm: warm
Fast/Slow: both (umm are we talking sex here?)
New/Old: both
Dark/Light: dark
Sparkle/Shine: Shine
Peach/Plum: Peach
Apple/Orange: Apple
Laundry/Dishes: Dishes
* been so drunk you blacked out: Oh shit yeah!
* Tried to skip skool because it was raining: I skipped school for any reason so Yes I assume I did.
* Have you ever set a body part on fire for amusement: nope, not yet.
* Been in a car accident: Yes, many times
* Been hurt emotionally: Yes, too many times.
* Kept a secret from everyone: I keep a lot of secrets.
* Had an imaginary friend: Yes, when I was little.
* Cried during a movie: Yes, even during previews. Pathetic I know
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Oh Yes, many times. Cherrie Pop Tart and others.
* Had a crush on a teacher: Unfortunately yes.
* Cut your hair: Yes, I do all of the time, hello hairstylist.
* Been sarcastic: Who Me? Never!
-------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* Wearing: Tartan Skirt, Brown stockings, brown penny loafers, black shirt and black sweater.
* Doing right now? listening to music and filling this shit out.
* Listening to: Tori Amos.. repetition?
* Talking to: Nobody, W.P. is at work.
* watching: The Computer Screen!
· --------------last time i-------------------------
* Cried: On Tuesday when W.P. told me he loved me and was glad I was in his life...
* Cleaned your room: yesterday, the whole house and scrubbed the walls..
* Done laundry: Yesterday, part of cleaning the house.
* Drove a car: This morning remember I went to the DMV!
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: Yes.
* friends: Uh huh
* Santa Claus: No!
* Tooth Fairy: Fuck no! but cheers for the cash anyway, mom!
* Destiny/Fate: Absolutely
* Angels: No!
* Jesus: No! Remember the thing you didn’t know abut me!
---------------------friends------------------ ------
* Like anyone?: Yes, I am sure you know who!
* In Love: Yes, obviously.
* Who have u known the longest out of ur friends?: Emily
* Weirdest: That is a hard one they are all so weird.
* Who do you go to for advice: Me and well everyone (I don’t always listen).
* Who Do You Cry With?: who do I cry with? what the hell kinda question is that?
* What’s the best feeling in the world: Sex, feeling happy, hot bath or a massage.
* Worst Feeling: hurting someone, burning myself.