yarg.... pain.... stabbing my brain.....

May 25, 2004 19:54

well, i have a massiv headache right now, make it go away... please... the last time i had a migrain like this was like three years ago, i got them alot then, all due to stress, is this the case now? i dunno. i hope not. well, i just wanted to check out my gemeni crap, i'll write more later.

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Comments 6

syntheticbeat May 26 2004, 09:33:24 UTC
Decided since I'm gonna be painting my pool blue your gonna help =D

That way I can accidently splash you with paint so there really will be a blue person. =D


crimsonghastly May 26 2004, 17:19:09 UTC
keep tellling yourself that and it might happen, until then....


syntheticbeat May 26 2004, 18:46:31 UTC
*sniffle* you...don't wanna help? =*(***


crimsonghastly May 26 2004, 19:33:20 UTC
what do i get out of it?


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