so i was lazy and just woke up... *yawn* and i had a really weird dream. i was at a bus stop with fawn, david, john, and someone else that i'm not too sure who they were, but anyways... i wanted to go home, not here home, in lma linda, but back to my house in anahiem. kinda wizard of oz like i guess. well we somehow were all instantly on a bus. i
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Comments 3
Happy Birthday though. I hope your less confused and seem happier by the end of it. If I knew anything I could do, or a stupid face I could make so you would laugh I would try. The only stupid face I know however is the No Comment one on photo bucket, and that just looks well... Like I'm doing something you can't see in the pic. =X
One piece of advice though. You seem like you know what you want, and you know what you have to do. Don't worry about what's going to happen and just do what you have to do, and go for what you want. The truth no matter how much it hurt's someone is the best path. Sometimes the best solution is to throw everything out there to the world, and just let it all attend to itself. Just my opinion though. Don't hurt me for commenting =X
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