I will set up an interview if/when I figure out a place to live over there. The place I talked about in my lj entry was so fucking lame. The bedroom that would be ours was only big enough to comfortably house a midget. That was the second place in Orlando we looked at that had a small ass bedroom. :[
Sheppy told me to tell you that you guys can stay with us for a while. We have an extra bedroom. We just have to move our shit out of it, but you guys are welcome to it until you can find something that isn't suited for a midget.
I think you and I have the same thing going on right now. Wanting more to life. I decided I'm doing something about it. I'm coming back home at the end of July. You and I should catch up.
Yeah, we are. My boyfriend isn't working at Cingular anymore so our phones got turned off today. Just IM me, or message me on Myspace and let me know what is going on. I am sure I will have a phone by then though.
i miss you i havent talked to you in ten years it seems like :( i saw your sister like last weekend i think it was..we were driving arround with the guys and they saw someone and brian said yeah i went to school with her sister and i was lke OMG THATS JERRICAS SISTER lol it made me miss you more :(
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