Yayyyy it's September! 19 days left to go. I get a new phone Sunday. Possibly my Clarinet. ah the world is exciting.
smoked a cigarette --------------no
smoked a cigar -----------------------no
drank alcohol-------------------yes
kissed a member of the same sex ----------------yes
got so drunk you threw up -------------no
crashed a friend's car ------------------no
stolen a car -----------------no
been fired ----------------------no
been in a fist fight? ----------------------no
had feelings for someone who didnt have them back? ---ugh yes
been arrested --------------no
made out with a stranger -----------nope
gone on a blind date? ---------------no
lied to a friend? ---------------------------yea
had a crush on a teacher? -----------no lol
skipped school? --------------yes but not without my mom knowing i was home
slept with a co-worker? ---------no..ive never even had co-workers
seen someone die? ------ i dont think so
been on a plane? ----------------------yes
thrown up in a bar? ----------no
taken painkillers? -------------yes
love or miss someone right now? ------------ yes and yes
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?--------- yes
made a snow angel? ----yes
played dress up? -----------------yea
cheated while playing a game? ---------------------- haha when i was littler
been lonely? ------------------- duh
fallen asleep at work/school? --------------- yes
used a fake id? -------------no ive never had reason to
felt an earthquake? ------------------- no
touched a snake? ---------- yes! :)
run a red light? ----------------- i dont drive yet
been suspended from school? ------------- no
been in a car accident? ----------------------- not a serious one
hated the way you look? ---------------------- ugh almost always
witnessed a crime? ----------------yes
pole danced? ------------- LOL not seriously
questioned your heart? --------------not really
been to the opposite side of the country? ----------no
felt like dying? ------------------------------- ugh yes
cried yourself to sleep? --------------- many times
played cops and robbers? ------------- pssh yes i had two brothers
sung karaoke? ---- oh boy..yes...as a joke though
done something you told yourself you wouldn't? --HAHA YES! ahah
laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose? -- Hot chocolate..cherry coke once too
caught a snowflake on your tongue? ------------ yep
kissed in the rain? ---------yep
sang in the shower? ---yea i used to do it all the time
had a dream that you married someone? -----------yes
Glued your hand to something? -------------lol yea its really fun for some reason
gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole?--- no im smarter than that
worn the opposite sex's clothes? --------------- hahah yes
been a cheerleader? -------------------- ...3 years...
sat on a roof top? ---------------- yep
didn't take a shower for a week? -------- a week? ew i dont think ive gone that long
are you scared to watch scary movies alone? -------- mmm i guess
played chicken? ------------- still dont drive
been pushed into a pool with all ur clothes on? YES :(
been told you're hot by a complete stranger? --------- ew yes
broken a bone? ------------- fractured my elbow
been easily amused? ----------------- always
cried so hard you laughed? --------------- i laugh at myself when i cry through movies lol
laughed so hard you cried? ------------------ yes lol
cheated on a test?------------- yea a loong time ago
gone skinny dipping in a pool? --------- hahahahahaha
been kicked out of your house? ---------------no
blacked out from drinking? -----------no
played a prank on someone? --------------------yessum
gone to a late night movie? -------- depends on what you consider late
gotten shit faced drunk? ---------------- no