Sadistic Lavender Will Read Your Soul Created by
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bzoink!What's your fuckin' name, biiitch?DaveDo you like it when I call you a bitch, BITCH?Not really, my ego drops.Ok, anyway. Let's try to keep this civil, alright?Good idea.So... What's your IDEAL hair color?I really don't have anything ideal, I just don't like blonde much.Your ideal eye color?ColorS, I don't care which, multiple colors are awesome.How many pounds would you like to weigh?5-10 more than what I am.Well too fucking bad. What's your eye color?Greyish BlueWhat's your hair color?BrunetteWhatcha wearing, honeyyy?Californication tee, blue jeans, glasses, and my bracelets. Honey!?Where ya going today?Dad's house.What do you see when you look at your feet?Pale dead.What time does you clock say?2:20 (exactly)Is it wrong?No.Cats or dogs?Cats pee and poop everywhere, I'm tired of cats.What did you dream about last night?Didn't dream.What's your favorite 3 bands?System of a Down, Static-X, and right now.. A Perfect Circle.Why do you like the above bands?They're diverse and cover three different styles of music. The first and third have very meaningful lyrics too.What's your favorite candy, so I can know how to tempt you into my car?Twix, skittles, or kit kats, I'm sure I'm forgetting more.What color is your robe?Grey and red. (was my dad's)What makes you pretty?Showing my leg.Pepsi or sewage (coke)?Doesn't matter, pepsi tastes really good with pizza though.Describe your coffee cup.Ceases to exist. (for now)Write one line of poetry.My own? no thanks.Describe what oral sex is to you.Genitals don't touch each other, etc.. I think everyone knows what it is.There's a dead cat in the road, what do you do?Avoid hitting it again. (assuming I'd be driving in the situation)Would you go to into town with me?Maybe.Name some things you've stuck into your ear.My finger, cuetip(sp), eardrops.Anal penetration of any sort?Nah.Do you like cotton candy?Yea.What happens to cotton candy when it gets wet?It gets wiped all over my body by my hands and makes me filthy.Do you have a pet-name for you girlfriend/boyfriend?MmmaybeAre you prepared to do what ever it takes? (I <3 Smog.)Yes, very. :)Describe your favorite existing, or non-existing chair.Chair?... Maybe a king's throne.What's your favorite kind of chips?Doritos Cooler Ranch, I'm not that into chips.Why do you like butterflies?Their wings are so pretty, but I hate bugs. So I imagine butterflys as just as wings that fly around and don't touch people.Favorite alcohol?None.Favorite time of day?Tea time.Favorite animal?Some type of reptile or amphibian.Would you have sex with the above animal?NO!!!If the 2x above animal initiated it?NO!!!!!!What color are your girlfriend/boyfriends/crushes' eyes?Green and brown. :}Have you ever been to a bay?Don't think so.Sailing?Yea, with my friend. Good times. :)Have you ever gotten sand in your crotch?When I was a tike.What color is your hair brush?Can't brush dreads.What is your opinion of swordfish fish?BigGoldfish?SmallCut the shit, what's your favorite kind of fish?>.What do you see in the clouds?I only see clouds right now, no blue, just white.Touch yourself. Just do it.Aww yea.What's your least favorite flower?All flowers are nice.Describe your father.Forgetful and ignorant, but tries to be a good dad for the most part.Can you swim, well?I'm okay at swimming.What is your opinion of breasts?(almost) Anything I don't have, is intriguing.What's your favorite carnival ride?I don't remember.What's your least favorite carnival ride?See above.What color are the nearest curtains?White.How full is your piggy bank?(My Sonic bank 8) ) About half full. Just change in it.Your wallet/money place?Not very full. Two people owe me money. >.
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