Well, I finally got my iPod! Yay! I'm going to be pretty busy this weekend, so I figured I'd update once more before I left.
I finally finished putting the lace on a dress i'm trading for a dress and a blouse. I'm so excited! The "new" outfit is red x white, which is a combo I haven't tried before. I hope I like it. If I do, I might not need to make a new dress for the fashion show. Which is a possibility that my wallet likes. A lot.
Speaking of the fashion show, I really need more people to sign up. I think I have four right now. I did find out that I have a bunch of free or cheap badges that I'm giving to my friends for I-CON. Which is cool.
I seem to have found a Wiccan/pagan friend. One of my New Year's resolutions was to start practicing again, and more often. I think this is the motivation to do that. Tommy bought me a gorgeous pentacle necklace with the phases of the moon on it. I love the moon- it has always been what connected me to my goddess, even if I don't go outside much. So, great timing on his part.
I got accepted into the Fit Club on campus. Which means I'll be working on losing more weight. I'll post on Monday whether or not my Diet alone has lost me any weight.
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