last night i dreamt of zombies. indeed the whole human population was almost entirely gone. the zombie problem was however and old one and there was already a resistance movement to counter the menace.
cities and towns were already abandoned and in ruins. rubble littered the streets and there was a thick layer of dust and dirt on everything. daytime could almost no longer be considered daytime as the sun could no longer be seen. a thick fog covered both the sun and the stars and the world was in eternal twilight. zombies roamed the streets in packed. there were two breeds that could be identified. one breed was shambling and stupid while the other was almost intelligent and agile. the world appeared as if the apocalypse had come and gone.
there were experiments being made on zombies and animals to alter their dna or behavior so that they would be highly aggressive on the undead. they would attack any they would see and rip them to shreds. one final key was missing tho and it was located deep in an old research facility.
i was part of a team of three and i do not remember who those team members where. we were already inside the facility having successfully hidden from two packs of zombies. the final solution was in our grasp when we were beset upon by a large pack of intelligent zombies. they gave chase and we tried to hide. in one instance we were almost caught but we pretended to be zombies ourselves, stupid ones at that. the ruse was seen through however and we had to run once more.
we did not have weapons or heavy armaments tho. what we had were lighters and aerosol cans to try and stall for time. one of the team figured we could go inside the ventillation ducts to escape. he tried to pry the lid off the vent while our other team member and i tried to stall the zombies with our makeshift flame throwers. eventually we managed to crawl in.
the vent came out in an abandoned parking lot and we escaped by using the grocery carts. all of a sudden i was back in the past. i was back in the time right before the end of the world.
from what i remember in my dream there was a new drug that was the cause of the zombies and undead. the gang, our gang, was there trying to sniff out the source in an outdoor party. all sorts of hoodlums were there and we tried to blend in as best as we could. we spotted what we believed to be the source of the new drug and i pretended to be stoned and asked what the hell they were smoking. we were suddenly surrounded by more than a dozen thugs armed to the teeth and i knew the only course of action we had was to keep on pretending. i asked for a whiff and they all laughed and handed me the new type of drug. i took a whiff and everything burst in a swirl of colors. the shit was good.
time skipped and we were giving chase to the guy who was selling the drugs. he was trying to run away from us in a forest. there were many spirits there and supernatural beings but we knew we had to catch him. we ran and ran until finally i woke up.