Hai fatto robe in Cernit? :D Qui sarebbe stato taaaaaaaanto più comodo! Ma se poi dovevo spedirlo, con i termini del concorso? Arrivava tipo puzzle XD Quindi ho tentato la gommapiuma!
Sììì, ho fatto un sacco di cose in cernit, le vendevo nella mia fumetteria di fiducia :D Poi ho cominciato a lavorare dieci ore al giorno ed ho smesso per forza di cose, ma adesso che il mio orario è tornato ad essere umano potrei anche ricominciare, uhm :D
I think the symbols for Saveedro's robe are supposed to be Narayani, since it's the ripped down missing tapestry, right? It's just that since it's on him and twisted it's unrecognizable? It's been awhile since I Exiled, I'm not sure.
I also have mixed feelings on the movie change. (Maybe there should be a Myst_Library community post discussing it? idk) I really wanted to see BoT because I have super-huge-love for Veovis and I want to see him, dammit! And I think that even though it's not "classically" Myst, it's a great story that the average person can relate to, with fear of change, fear of outsiders, the way that suspicion and paranoia can topple empires... But I do see that they would probably want to use Myst Island because it's what most people would think of. But still I WANTED A VEOVIS even if he would be evil.
The thing with Saavedro's tapestry is fascinating, actually. He didn't sew it in the most logical way from a tailor's point of view... Going by the artwork, it's clear that he cut it so that he could wear the symbols while keeping them as intact as possible. Then he added sleeves somehow. Like this (blue lines where cut, green arrows where sewn) (...special Paint hell, here I come
( ... )
There's no such thing as hearing too much about Myst characters, especially if they're interesting :) I'm all ears! (my "not interesting" list stops at most Protectors and Sharper, anyone else is game) Eh, he's no Sirrus, I'm surprised if people are painting him as the evil against poor woobies Anna and Aitwus. Out of all our lovely and complex villains (shut up Esher, you can be complex too if you try, just don't whine about it), he looks to me like he's the one that would take less work to turn good... surely less than 20 years in a jungle Age. Do you already have something in mind for your fic?
I might go look at those prompts... I'm ashamed of myself, but he and Marrim are the only ones still missing from my fanfic100 claim - at 74%, it's a glaring omission (Saavedro only popped up at the 69th fic, I kinda have a plot for Marrim, but Veovis? Mmmmh)
Nuuu ;_; Anders, deduco da Twitter? Che combina il mischino?
E, centrancappio, tu sei su dA?
(il bambino avrebbe bisogno solo di tante coccole e gradisce - è... *wait for it* un po' come Basch, capisci, solo che invece di due anni a Nalbina se n'è fatti dieci da novello Robinson Crusoe, mentre a casa infuriava una guerra civile. Coccole è l'ideale.)
Comments 20
E' un paio di giorni che mi è tornata la voglia di fare robe di cernit. ò___ò
Yeee, gommapiuma! Non ho mai provato. *_*
I also have mixed feelings on the movie change. (Maybe there should be a Myst_Library community post discussing it? idk) I really wanted to see BoT because I have super-huge-love for Veovis and I want to see him, dammit! And I think that even though it's not "classically" Myst, it's a great story that the average person can relate to, with fear of change, fear of outsiders, the way that suspicion and paranoia can topple empires... But I do see that they would probably want to use Myst Island because it's what most people would think of. But still I WANTED A VEOVIS even if he would be evil.
Eh, he's no Sirrus, I'm surprised if people are painting him as the evil against poor woobies Anna and Aitwus. Out of all our lovely and complex villains (shut up Esher, you can be complex too if you try, just don't whine about it), he looks to me like he's the one that would take less work to turn good... surely less than 20 years in a jungle Age. Do you already have something in mind for your fic?
I might go look at those prompts... I'm ashamed of myself, but he and Marrim are the only ones still missing from my fanfic100 claim - at 74%, it's a glaring omission (Saavedro only popped up at the 69th fic, I kinda have a plot for Marrim, but Veovis? Mmmmh)
Anche a lui manca stare a piedi all'aria in camera tua ;_; C'è cresciuto, lì.
E, centrancappio, tu sei su dA?
(il bambino avrebbe bisogno solo di tante coccole e gradisce - è... *wait for it* un po' come Basch, capisci, solo che invece di due anni a Nalbina se n'è fatti dieci da novello Robinson Crusoe, mentre a casa infuriava una guerra civile. Coccole è l'ideale.)
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