the Secrets & Pyramids
the Past, Present & Future
EXCLUSIVE: Pyramid Human Sacrifice: Past, PRESENT & Future
Human and animal sacrificing rituals have been being performed at pyramids across the globe, all throughout history. Killings and mass murders have taken place at the steps, on the steps and even inside pyramids for thousands of years. Many have mass graves in their surrounding areas. Most historic human sacrifices were to appease or please deities, but in modern times it has mostly been used for personal empowerment (black magic), even on the scale of thousands with the entire world watching blindly. In the future we face the ultimate pyramid/human-sacrifice: all of humanity, to complete the "unfinished pyramid".
"Large scale projects, such as land reclamation and the erection of impressive pyramids, heralded the monarch's return to absolute power."[1]
Slave built pyramids were typically used as temples in sun worship, human sacrifices, deifying rulers (making them gods) and to symbolize monuments of human progress and imperial power.
"Pyramids, wherever found, are symbolic of the axis mountain of the world the Olympus, Asgard, and Meru of the pagans, and possibly the rock Moriah upon which the temple stood at Jerusalem."[3]
The ancient Sumerians and Babylonians performed these rituals in their ziggurat pyramids. The royals were buried in underground tombs, where they would fill the tombs by stacking sacrificed humans to the ceiling before being sealed. Gilgamesh had arrangements for his entire entourage to be sacrificed after his death, as offerings to ensure he could enter heaven. The list of companions included his wives, concubines, musicians, entertainers and even his valet. It would seem that they were all to be bartering tools, if needed. In Uruk, many of these rituals were performed to a 16 meter tall statue of Ishtar. [1,3]
"Every pyramid was topped with a small capstone, or pyramidion" [1]
The Egyptian Mysteries religion was highly complex and involved the worship of many gods and goddesses. The gods were said to have all been "ejaculated" by their creator god "Atum" "The many from the one"[1]. Atum was said to be the earthly sun god who was "emerged as the first sunrise from a lotus flower that sprouted on the mound", but a deeper view describes the benben as the primeval mound, which was the petrified semen of Atum. The mound was a volcano that emerged from "the waters of chaos" "Order out of chaos"[2]. Atum didn't seem to be the creator of the universe or even the solar system, according to the Egyptians. [1,2,3]
The phallus symbol is another symbol worth mentioning here. The phallus can be traced back to ancient India and Sumeria. It represents the male penis principle and fertility, but to a further extent. It is often tipped with an Egyptian pyramidion (pyramid shaped block), to give it even more power. Furthermore, it frequently used in the "
point within a circle" configuration, symbolizing union with Aphrodite or Ishtar. The phallus, twin phallus and the phallic point within a circle are all favorite symbols of the occult.
Saint Peter's Square Many gods were phallic represented, one example being
Ba'al (ball).
Baal was a Phoenician Canaanite fertility deity, whose worship extends back to the 14th Century BC. Traditionally he was a sun god, but in later times he was given a dual role as a sun/rain god. He was worshipped in some parts of Egypt as an aspect of Seth, and was infamous in the Old Testament for killing and devouring humans[2]. The cult of Baal celebrated annually his death and resurrection as a part of the Canaanite fertility rituals. These ceremonies often included human sacrifice and temple prostitution. Eventually, the Phoenician "sheep" herders lead the flock to
Molech worship.
The twin phallic pillar configuration has been found in temples all over the world. They have carried many titles such as the 'Pillars of Hermes', the 'Pillars of Shu' and 'Seth' and of 'Solomon'. In Egypt they were known as the
"Two Pillars of Flame", and were used in Osiris worship. Oddly enough, twin pillars were also found in Solomon's Temple, and were titled "Jachin & Boaz". (1 Kings 7:21) Twin pillars can still be found at temples across the globe, but the most obvious of such are the "Pillars of the Porch" found at Masonic Lodges and topped with globes.
In the Egyptian empire, human sacrificing rituals were less rampant, especially after the Predynastic and 1st Dynasty periods. It's generally not well known of Egyptian human sacrificing, but there is
significant evidence to support it both before and after the 1st Dynasty.
"A god who lives on his fathers and feeds on his mothers ... who lives on the being of every god, who eats their entrails ... Pharaoh is he who eats men and lives on gods." (Cannibal Hymn)
Utterances 273 - 274 of the Pyramid Texts, known as the Cannibal Hymn, describe the pharaoh as a god who cannibalises. It is a blood-thirsty text of the power of the pharaoh, talking of death and killing and devouring of body parts. This seems to combine ritual cannibalism with sacrifices to the gods, but there is no direct evidence that cannibalism was normally practiced in ancient Egypt. The roughly 800 different pyramid texts were spells that were mostly handed down since before the 1st Dynasty.
The Chinese also built pyramids, and performed mass hum1`an sacrifices, but Chinese pyramids are the most secret in the world, so I was unable to find direct links between human sacrifices at their pyramids. The Chinese also held the view of "chaos", but the seen the creation as the emergence of the duality gods Yin (the Tiger) and Yang (the Dragon).
Some Greek and Roman myths mostly known for animal sacrifices, but some myths and historical records include human sacrifice. These typically occurred in the cellae rooms in templums [15], which were typically domes or
Tuscan roofs built over hypaethral structures.
Mesoamerican civilizations built pyramids and performed mass human sacrifices regularly. The pyramid represented the mound of creation, similar to Egyptian beliefs, but with distinct variations. Usually, peasant slaves and prisoners were sacrificed, and the initiated engaged in non-deadly self-sacrifice.
Quetzalacoatl the "feathered serpent", "the Morning Star"[2]
"At his coronation the Aztec emperor was filled with the fire of the gods. His primary roles were as commander-in-chief of army and chief priest. His people also relied on him to safeguard the fertility of the land: he was expected to achieve success in battle, thereby providing a plentiful supply of human sacrifices that would please the gods who would otherwise send plagues or draught.:[1]
The Aztecs worshipped a mound shaped pyramid complex named "Teotihuacan", as the birthplace of the sun god. "The god worshipped by the Aztecs was Quetzacoatl and by the Maya as Kukulcan may in primeval times have been revered as a dragon sky god, master of wind and rains" "The Aztecs saw blood as the water of life. They called it chalchiuatl ("treasured water")." [1,2]
"Reaching into the chest, the priest ripped free the victim's heart and held it up to the sun before casting it down before the god's image. The (Aztec) priests then lifted the lifeless body off the quauhxicalli and threw it down the steep, blood-slicked steps, and it came eventually to rest at the foot of the staircase. As victim after victim was dispatched, the pile of corpses grew."[1]
The Incans worshipped Andean oracle pyramids, the greatest being built at Pachacamac. The deity who resided there was their protector and fortune-teller, but demanded more than even gold, it demanded human sacrifice. [2]
"The towering pyramid temples replicate mountains" "(at Chichen Itza) the main pyramid has a square base its dramatic serpent was a reminder that pyramid temples provided access to other cosmic realms"[2]
In the Maya social pyramid, religious leaders and priests-kings were at the top, then nobles and warriors, on the third level were farmers and low government officials, and lastly servants and slaves. The Mayans also shared the Aztecs view of human sacrifice, and also had another practice known as "bloodletting". Blood letting was a form of self-sacrifice which had different rituals based on gender. The purpose of bloodletting was to summon "Vision Serpents", which were scaly beasts with two heads. It is believed that the famed Mayan prophecy calendars were mainly written during the reign of Quetzalcoatl's "9th heaven, between 40-434 AD. [1, 2 & 6]
The Mayans also had a form of Yin Yang
"The Maya gods and goddesses demanded constant propitiation, and king led slave-raids to supply their priests with victims for human sacrifice." [1]
Many South American's, especially the Moche, built their temples into the peaks of mountains. They sacrificed humans, and even buried the bodies in the temples, to give power to their ancestor noblemen. "By appeasing ancestors, they might ensure a reign of peace for a new ruler, or a bountiful harvest for the new nation. In addition, elaborate burials forged a spiritual bond between communities and the landscape" [2]
Mass scale pyramid related slaughters have mostly ended, since after the Spanish-Mesoamerican holocaust during the 1500's. The Spanish slaughtered and plagued the Mesoamericans for their land, in many cases at the steps of their pyramids. Since then, pyramid associated human sacrifices seemingly remained more on the private scale in both the primitive and moderns worlds, and I'm unaware of any major public embracement of killings until the 20th Century.
20th Century:
The pyramid loving Aleister Crowley performed human sacrifices that even his own children died in. "It is necessary for us to consider carefully the problems connected with the bloody sacrifice... the bloody sacrifice has from time immemorial been the most considered part of Magick..." [7]
The infamous German Nazi party was the largest cult of modern times. Even the swastika was a pagan sun-worshiping symbol. They sacrificed six million Jews, underneath the eyes of occult phallic shaped, pyramid-top designed guard towers at the concentration camps. What most people don't realize is that the word
holocaust actually means
sacrifice, and that's what it was: the most grand scale sun worship sacrifice in history.
Anton LaVey, who formed the Satanic Church, didn't directly embrace nor deny human sacrifice. Satanism is more about manipulating others for personal gain, but the Satanic Bible does leave open the possibility of human sacrifice.
"La Vey's stated goal was the creation of a police state in which the weak were weeded out and an achievement-oriented leadership was permitted to pursue the mysteries of black magic. (In the Satanic Bible) Magic is separated into lesser, everyday magic, such as that used for psychological manipulation and tricks to get people to do what the Satanist wants, and greater or ceremonial magic." [11 p.239]
Satanists aren't directly known for pyramid worship, in fact they worship the
Goat of Mendes inverted pentagram, but it's important to note their stance on modern human sacrifice. It's likely that many of these types sacrifices were performed in the 20th century, but it was not until the beginning of the 21st Century that massive public human sacrifices -at the steps of pyramids- became apparent.
21st Century Past:
In the dawn of the 21st Century, the New American Century, a potentially public human sacrifice manifesto appeared in September 2000. It came from the most unlikely of people, former Deputy Secretary of Defense
Paul Wolfowitz, who is now the president of the
World Bank. It called for a new "Pearl Harbor" (p.51), for a "military revolution" (p.51), for the
Project for the New American Century(p.90).
On September 11th 2001 they got just that. Even the
History Channel tells that FDR sacrificed Pearl Harbor (so America would embrace WW2), but will they ever tell about the
fact that the Federal government had prior knowledge so therefore sacrificed on 911? If so, will they ever point out that it occurred at the steps of pyramids, like many other sacrifices throughout history?
What about the
Official version of the government investigation into 911?
Rick Siegel's professional "
911 Eyewitness" video of the WTC 9-11-01 event shows the entire event from start to finish, with real time recorded radio broadcasts and expert scientific analysis. This
video doesn't speculate on who did what, it focuses on video, audio and other scientific evidence of what actually happened during the WTC collapses. Explosions can be clearly heard before the collapse of WTC Tower's 1, 2 and 7. This completely contradicts the official theory of the 911 events, as if there aren't already enough reasons to reopen the case, and that's just one example.
"The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today."
-GWB The official theory is proven to be almost completely flawed, and even fraud. The Pearl Harbor event was reinvestigated 9 times, yet 911 has been investigated only once. It's proven that the government is with holding evidence critical to proving their version of the events. Siegel hopes to submit his carefully preserved footage to a Congressional reinvestigation, if that day ever comes.
They spent a measly $14M on the incomplete investigation of the most heinous event in American history. The People have the right to know EVERYTHING that happened that day, but our Congress continues to pretend that it's a closed case. Congress spent over $40M on the Clinton adultery trial, what does that tell you? The rest of the implications of that event are beyond the scope of this presentation.
So what about the WTC pyramids, or should I say the
WFC pyramids? The main WTC complex was built by David
Rockefeller between 1966-77, and operated by the NY/NJ Port Authority, but sold to Larry
Silverstein & Westfield America malls owner Frank Lowy, just 6 weeks prior to 911.
JP Morgan Chase, a prestigious investment-bank that's the flagship firm of its kind for Rockefeller family interests, advised the Port Authority, another body long influenced by banker and builder David Rockefeller, his age then 85, in the negotiations.
The deal was finalized by Port Authority Chairman Lewis M. Eisenberg, who
authorized the transfer of the leases on July 24, 2001.
Silverstein and the former Israeli commando Lowy then controlled all access to the World Trade Center.
"The World Trade Center and its Twin Towers are among the handful of instantly recognizable structures on the entire planet, like the Pyramids at Giza or the Great Wall of China." -
Port Authority Vice Chairman Charles A. Gargano Note the phallic ball within a fountain (of fertility) within many circles, all within a major sun symbol. Also note the phallic symbols in the actual sides/windows of the bottoms of the WTC towers.
Did you ever wonder why there was despite there being 6 (and then 7) building in the complex? It seems quite obvious that those towers were massive phallic symbols. Did you ever wonder why there was only one antennae when there was 2 towers? Take a good look, the North Tower antennae is a phallic symbol and the top of the South Tower represents its opposite (female organ).
WTC 7 was built between 1984-87, by "
an affiliate of Silverstein Properties"; it was actually separate from the main WTC 1-6 complex.
Note the bridges, the steps to the pyramids.
The World Financial Center was designed by Cesar Pelli (
designer of the Petronas Towers) and built between
1981-88, by Olympia and York (O & Y), which was owned by Canada's
Reichmann family. The 92-acre site created by the landfill produced in part by the excavation for the World Trade Center towers. O&Y was predecessor to
Brookfield Financial Properties, who know owns and operates WFC. The four office towers
house the world headquarters of prestigious international corporations, including American Express, Merrill Lynch, Dow Jones, and Deloitte.
Pelli is concerned with architecture's social impacthow buildings affect the people who use them and the existing fabric of the cities where they are located."
aftermath of Silverstein's cleanup and rebuild
deal is staggering.
A parable: "Imagine that a person leases an expensive house, and immediately takes out an insurance policy covering the entire value of the house and specifically covering bomb attacks. Six weeks later two bombs go off in the house, separated by an hour. The house burns down, and the leaser immediately sues the insurance company to pay him twice the value of the house, and ultimately wins. The leaser also gets the city to dispose of the wreckage, excavate the site, and help him build a new house on the site."
Some connections between our players:
1. In October of 2001, Silverstein and Brooksfield (Reichmann)
were already planning joint WTC reconstruction efforts.
2. The Rockefellers and Reichmanns have been in bed at
Chevron since at least the 80's.
3. Newscorp (Fow News, Myspace) owner
Rupert Murdoch belongs to, and has been honored by, a number of leading Zionist organizations in which Silverstein, Frank Lowy, and
Lewis M. Eisenberg all hold senior positions. These organizations include the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), and the New York-based Museum of Jewish Heritage. [
4. David Rockefeller and Lewis Eisenberg are deeply connected to the Republican party as proven by their chairman seats in the
2004 Republican National Convention.
Coincidence, or is this the untold Illuminati connection to the 911 event?
(Section in red is historic Illuminati information)
"The Illuminati of Bavaria was a Masonic Order founded on May 1, 1776 by a young man named Adam Weishaupt, in it's complexion the Order was anti-Chrisitan, because it was an aggressive Deism But it was on this that Weishaupt sought to raise his doctrine of human perfectibility, while the means sought for its advancement were political revolution and the destruction of all authority, for the restoration of patriarchal life." [9]
That is the origin of the Illuminati title, and some of the reasons that the title is applied to those who many believe rule the world. On the surface, Weishaupt apparently entered the Freemasonic order, and began to model his own order of political conquest with the already secretive Freemasonry Rites. He clearly intended personal empowerment from Freemason Higher Mysteries magic, which would clearly be black magic.
"Weishaupt believed that he and his handful of Illuminati could overthrow all governments of kings and bishops in State and Church, and then rule the world; for only the Illuminati could introduce a tolerant and libertarian regime on earth." [12 p.115]
What year he actually began his efforts, and how quickly his ideals could have transpired are up to speculation, but people have believed that the Illuminati have been behind every national revolution from 1776-1919, since the times of the French Revolution in 1789. [tF] Beyond that most the true Illuminati are more
family based in power structure. I think that the real question would be whether or not the Higher Mysteries already embraced black magic, and if the structure that Weishaupt sought was already in place. The full extent of those questions is beyond the scope of this article, but I will indulge you with some quotes.
"for only the few needed anything further than the splendid revelation of the indwelling Love of God which they received in what we call the 18th degree. But for those few who felt that there was yet more to learn of the nature of God, and who eagerly wished to understand the meaning of evil and suffering and its relation to the divine plan, the prototype of our Black Masonry existed, the teaching and progress comprised in our degrees from the 19th to the 30th. This section of the Mysteries was especially concerned with the working out of karma in its different aspects, studied as a law of retribution, from one point dark and terrible." [5]
"What then was the purpose the framers of our Masonic system had in view when they compiled it? To this question you will find in no ordinary Masonic books."[10 p.26]
"Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternityan outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect. " [3 p.433]
The Scottish Rite, not Illuminati) "The Council of Emperors was comprised mostly of men of noble birth and high culture who were also deep students in the secret science, learned in various traditions of wisdom which had been handed down along so many lines in the past." [5]
The importance with Masonic Orders (there are many variations) here is their worship through ancient Sacred Geometry symbols including pyramids and the All-Seeing-Eye. They trace their origins through Rome-Greece-Egypt-Babylon and even to the times before the Flood.
"In ancient Egypt we were able o talk about secrets of the inner life before crowds of people without letting them know what we meant" [5]
"Attention must be called to the term "Geometry," the art upon which the entire system was found." [10 p.88]
"The Eastern Star"
"Its (
Geometry's) usages and customs are also there said to have derived 'from the ancient Egyptians whose philosophers, unwilling to expose their mysteries to vulgar eyes, conceal their principles and philosophy under signs and symbols,' which are still perpetuated in the Masonic Order." [10 p.87]
Of differing importance are these facts [13]:
1. At least 9 of 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were Masons.[
2. At least 33 of 74 Generals in the first UC Continental Army were Masons.
3. At least 13 of 39 signers of the US Constitution were Masons.
4. At least 14 0f 42 US Presidents (including George Washington) have been Freemasons.
5. At least 18 of 46 US Vice Presidents have been Freemasons.
6. There have been 7 Army (or Air Force) Generals who held the rank of General of the Army (5 Stars). At least 6 of these 7 was a Mason.
7. There have been 4 Navy Admirals who held the rank of Fleet Admiral (5 Stars). At least 1 of these 4 was a Mason.
"Ordo Ab Chao", a latin phrase meaning 'Order Out Of Chaos' and is the motto of the 33rd degree of the Masonic Lodge.
It's believed that the world's true elites are the world's royal families, both publicly known and unknown. The most renowned book on this topic is the 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati, and the family names include titles like