Oh marcon, how I love the. So after last year’s epic success I knew for a fact that I was going to come back. After stalking the website I discovered that if I did 3+ panels then I’d get a free badge. Heak yes! I signed up for a bunch, from Doctor Who to Eureka to Warehouse 13 to a ton of costuming ones. I finally heard back about a mth ago which was a bit problematic when it came to costuming. I wanted to have a costume to match each panel I was on so I was a bit paranoid about having enough time to finish them. I ended up being moderator (which I didn’t even sign up for… thanks Lee… love you too…) for Doctor Who and Women in Sci Fi and on the Costuming 101. I was also on the Doctor Who Match Game (oh Lordy…) and was cast as Dawn in the shadow cast of Once More With Feeling. I figured the children’s show wouldn’t be too hard so I’d have plenty of time to work on my costumes… yeah… murphy’s law was in abundance (more on that in a different post) which meant that I had several late nights sewing but still, I got everything done by the time I needed to leave which was a minor mericale. Now, on to the con report itself!
I ended up going to bed around 3 because my Hogwarts robe was being a poopie head. Got up at 9:30, grabbed a quick shower and then ran to get Kaity by 10:00. Dad needed the Red Honda (graciously let to me for the weekend by the ’rents) when he got home so we worked on getting me packed (I decided to sew instead) and got me wigged up. Kaity realized she forgot a few things at home and we needed to get some stuff at Krogers so we took the green car, got everything and by the time we got home dad was done with his running so we could load the car and head out. We needed to stop by UD to drop off some costumes and pick up the rest of Shamblen’s stuff and we figured we’d just go to c-bus from there. Oh boy… Ophelia (the GPS) all but had a nervous breakdown and it took us an extra 45 minutes to get there. Driving around down town/ghetto Dayton with a spaztastic GPS is… interesting… we ended up getting to the hotel around 3, parked in the parking lot attached to the hotel right next to the entrance. It was epic! When I first tried to book the room, the Hyatt wouldn’t let me use my credit or debit card because they expired at the end of May. Lee had a bunch of us over at his house the first weekend of May to talk about all the different panels and we found out that Vicki had booked an extra room so she let us have it. She sent me her phone number but I must have written it down wrong because when I tried to text her it wouldn’t go through. So Kaity and I get all our stuff out of the car and into the area right outside of the lobby and try to call Lee so we can get Vicki’s number and after doing an awkward reception dance we finally got enough bars to call and he didn’t answer. We figured that we’d head over to the lobby and see if we could find anyone we knew there. Right as we pulled all our crap up we discovered that Vicki was checking in right then. It was defiantly a God thing. So we got checked in, went up to the room, and got into costume (River Tam for me and Saffron for Kaity). By then it was around 5 so we headed to the green room to get our badges. I got checked in just fine but we discovered that Kaity’s was over in pre-reg so we went back there, got hers and headed back to the green room to check out our stuff. By then I realized that I left my talisman for OMWF at home so we headed up to the dealers room to find a replacement. After looking around we found a $5 necklace which worked. As we were walking around we ran into some cosplayers from Atlantis (the Disney version) and we were fangirling each other. I asked Kaity to grab the camera out of the Bag of Holding which caused the following to happen:
Kaity: “find. Find. Find. Find. FIND!”
She pulled something out of the Bag and held it over her head beyond proud
Me: “um… sweetheart… those are Tums…”
Kaity: “… SHUT UP!”
Me: *stick hand in bag and pulls out camera immediately* Silly Hufflepuff
She was so beyond proud of her self it was just hysterical. We got our picture, Kaity married several other guys, and we stopped by a booth and were talking to them for a while and I told them the Tums story. One guy’s eyes got huge and asked if I still had any. I pulled em out and he asked if he could have some. As I was giving them to him and he was doing a happy dance, the others at the table all head desked and then yelled at him for asking a stranger for some. By then it was around 6:30 so we headed back down for my Costuming 101 panel. As I got to the room we discovered that there were 5 of us (6 were on the panel) and none of us were the moderator. About 5 min after we were supposed to start, a woman came running in saying that our moderator was stuck in traffic and she would be filling in. We talked about how we all started costuming, some of the epic fails we’ve had, and little tricks of the trade we’ve learn throughout the years. One I’d like to see for next year (well… in 3 years when I can go back) would be costume fails and how we’ve gotten through em. I think one of the biggest things for new costumers to realize is that we still fail and make mistakes. By the time we finished up with the panel it was about 8:30 so Kaity and I headed back up to the room so I could change into Dawn for the Buffy practice. Chris ended up not coming up with us because he couldn’t get out of work until 3 and work was down in Cinci… it would take him until 4 before he could get home and then it would be about 5/5:30 before we would make it to the con which I was just not comfie with. Well, it was 8:30 and he still wasn’t there. So as I’m getting dressed, Kaity is calling him like mad. Once we finally found out that he was alive and on his way we worked on attempting to underdress my Dawn dress. Yeah… I had made a rip away top and pants and I was worried about the pants not staying together so I brought my black sweats… once again, another God thing. I kinda forgot about just how much seam alliance was used up with the Velcro and they kinda didn’t fit with the skirt. The other problem was just the vast amount of skirt I had… I had rolled up the front and it lied all nice and flat. I just forgot about the rest… so it looked like I had an extra 50 pounds on my hips/butt sooo… yeah… more on how we fixed it later. So I get down to the rehearsal, meet the other demons and Sweet along with the rest of the cast (all of whom are epic) and then the cast saw my OCD binder and found out that I took an acting class so they all assumed I was an actor. Umm… no. so I pointed out that I was a techie which then got Sweet all excited and he went into computer technobable and I awkwardly told him that I was a theatre costume tech. But still, it was epic fun. One of the demons could really dance so we made her demon 1 (the one with the most dancing) and the boys were 2 and 3. Sweet was an AMAZING dancer and he was so easy to work with. We finally called off practice around 1ish and I headed up to the room. Chris had finally made it around 10 so Kaity and he headed up so he could unpack and Kaity could get away from her semi-stalker. We finally went to bed around 3 so we could be up by 9:30 for my 11:30 panel.
As I said above, Kaity got up at 9 and then poked me at 9:30 until I started moving. I got up to put in my contacts and by eyes were uber pissed from the day before because I didn’t get all my makeup off. So Amy had glasses for part of the time and I just took em off any time there was a picture, ditto with my watch that actually worked. I had hair up, wig on, and was in costume by 10:45 and we were out the door by 11. Chris picked up his badge and I headed to the panel room to set up. Everyone on the panel itself was there at least 5 minutes before we were to start so Tim (who was dressed as 10) decided that it would be an amazing time to run to the potty, promising that he’d be back in 5 minutes, mind you, I’m dressed as Amy. I’m sure you can see where this is going. So we’re hanging out, waiting for Tim to get back and just kinda talking. Tim FINALLY gets back at 11:40 to which I screamed “YOU SAID 5 MINUTES!!” which made the audience rather happy. The panel was an epic win, we talked about a bunch of theories, fan service in the form of Amy’s skirts (I shrunk under the table a bit more) and nekked!11, and just general love of Who. The panel ended at 12:45 and I was able to plug the Match Game which took place at 1:00. I managed to attract a fanboy who I felt kinda bad for brushing off but Lee was shunting me to the game. The game was hysterical. We had Tim as 10, a Donna, Lee as 5, Kaity as Rose, a UNIT guy, and me as Amy. I hadn’t eaten because I was holding off to take my meds and I was getting rather slap happy by this point. The questions were just plain funny and included one of my favorites which was “Mickey was so dumb he tried to clean K9 with Rose’s _____ Keep it PG people!” which just set me and Kaity of giggling like mad. So when it was time to reveal the answers, Tim put down “peroxide” which just about broke the audience. I forgot what Donna put down but when it was Lee’s turn and he put down peroxide as well. It was amazing. We had these little sings that said “ready” so I made one that said “prego” on one side and “not prego” on the other and kept spinning it. Twas much more amusing than it should have been. Poor Chris, who was dressed as Rory, just about lost it because one of the last questions was “Rory thinks that Amy is cheating on him with a mechanic because he found a ____ in his bed.” And someone put down “tape measure” which just about killed us all. Chris pouted for the rest of the day. The game ended at 2:30 and we went down and got food. I was expecting a massive line like from Ohayocon but I never had to wait for subway which saved my butt. We hit the dealers room again, didn’t see anything I couldn’t live without (there were a bunch of patches but I didn’t have anything to attach em to) and by then it was time for my 4:00 Women in Sci Fi panel. I think it went really well, I was just about ready to smack one of my fellow panelist by the end, but other than that it went well. She was obsessed with the thought of physical strength and how men were physically stronger than women, thus all showings of women betting men were futile. My thing is that women can totally beat men, men often rely on brute force while women think on their feet to get out of the situation. But other than that, it went well. I heard about some other books and TV shows I want to watch. By the time it was over it was 5:30 and we were beat. Due to timing, I wouldn’t be able to watch that night’s epp of Doctor Who on the big screen so we went up to the room and watched it on the lappy. And dear God it was terrifying. I want to watch it again but I’m scared to… it was just beyond creepy, as in pointlessly creepy. After that, we ended up crashing and the next thing I knew it was 9:30 and I had to be down to the Sing Along at 11. We got me re-wigged for Dawn and Kaity helped me get dressed. By then it was 10:30 so we poked Chris awake and we headed down. We wanted to run the ballet again so we ran it for almost a solid half an hour and by then it was time to head back in for the showing. The cast finally got there and we started right at midnight. I had preset my dress so I didn’t have to worry about getting it set during the show. While I was waiting for my cues I was studying my binder which impressed and freaked out Spike. I think all my scenes went well, Tara wanted to keep me. the only problem with the dance is that one of the demons stepped on the elastic on my shoe which shaped back on my foot and it was either that or I rug burned it… still not sure… but the dance with Sweet and my songs went fine. It was kinda sad but almost all of my blocking was “look scared” I spent two and a half songs sitting and looking scared… yeah… Dawn is fun. Ah well, I learned I didn’t suck at dancing. After the show Lee asked me how I thought I did and I game my “… good?” response at which point Lexi (Tara) proclaimed that I was amazing and she was kidnapping me and keeping me as her own. Which I will assume meant that I did good. Kaity and Chris were still tired so they went back to the room and I headed over to the con sweet with the rest of the cast to chat. Around 3am we decided that it was time for le bed. The other two took my keys so I had to knock on the door for them to let me in which I got the response of:
Me: “but MMMOOOMMM I was hanging out with my friends!”
Me: “but but but! Hang on… I’m older than both of you!”
By now I was beyond slap happy. I had been up past 3 am for 4 days in a row and gotten up fairly early every morning. So when Kaity was under the covers, I found it hysterical. She looked like she was covered in fondant so I kept poking her and saying “it’s a Kaity shaped lump!” then I would pause, and then poke her, and then giggle like a mad woman. It finally took until she threatened to smother me with a pillow before I finally crashed.
Once again, we got up at 9:30 and packed a bunch of our stuff up. We had late check out so we didn’t have to turn in our keys until 2, so we took out the majority of our crap to the car and grabbed the rest of Shamblans stuff. We made it back to the Psi Phi Columbus photo shoot meet up a bit early so we got to see the crowd descend. We were dressed up as Hogwarts students for the photo which still makes me giggle. Kaity had a chainmail demo at 1 so we headed back up to the dealers room one last time and she got a house patch for her BF and a Hufflepuff tie for herself. I found a bunch of really cool earrings but no one could tell me what they were made of so I couldn’t get em. Stupid sensitive ears… ah well. We got Kaity settled down for her panel and Chris and I headed back up to the room one last time to grab the last bit of stuff and double check that we had everything. I checked out and we went back to her panel. Kaity did a really good job when telling us about how she made everything and why she used what she did. After that was over we were crashing and while I really wanted to stay for the Epic Apples to Apples game, I didn’t want to drive home tired. We said goodbye to everyone (Lexi tried to kidnap me), got food at subway (it’s starting to become a very important part of cons) and then we headed out for good. Chris was right behind us which was find except when exiting the parking garage. It was under repair so we had to go down to the underground level and then back up. The ramp was terrifying and we started to slide backwards once I took my foot off the break, once again, with Chris’s car right behind us. I slammed from one to the other, making a very angry screech, and was able to get out. We made it home fine and kept each other awake and giggly. Ophelia had a few freak outs but we made it back fine. I dropped her off at her house and got home around 5pm, unpacked the car, and forced myself to stay awake until 10pm. Mom and dad were epic and let me sleep until 1 Monday.
All in all, the con was an epic success. I had a blast and made a bunch of new friends. Lee dubbed me as the Rookie of the Year which was beyond flattering. I’m really happy that I didn’t spend very much money but this year makes me even more depressed that I won’t be able to go for the next three years. Someone had the bright idea to move the con to Easter weekend for the next three years and I have a feeling that mom and dad will shoot me if I go. A very large part of me doesn’t want to go just out of principle and in a hope that The Powers That Be will move it to a different weekend. As of right now, I’m planning on saving enough money to go to Dragon*Con in 2012. Kaity and I were thinking that if we didn’t have enough money to go to Disney in January to go to SDCC instead but according to my FB peeps, they said that it’s very over commercialized and overcrowded. And the next year tends to sell out at that years con. Which I’m taking as a sign that I shouldn’t go. SDCC involved a plane and then rental car from there on out but DC takes place in Georgia so I’d be able to drive to that, thus saving boofoo amounts of money. Also, Lee said that he knows of several people from the area who go, thus saving more money. This weekend was epic and had enough memories to last me for the next three years, or at least I hope so.
If you made it this far then good for you! I’ll be posting a photo journal later.