So I have my two straws and you are going to force them from my cold, dead, fangirl hands!
Rory speculation below! Note: discussion is only that of officially released information. Please keep it that way in the comments!
K, so while at MARcon, they had a showing of Cold Blood at like… 1am. On the way out I was talking about why I refuse to believe that Rory is dead at which I was then told I was grasping at straws. The two that I refuse to let go of are the picture of him on the cover of FIND BOOK and the fact that the engagement ring survived. I pointed this out to one of the guys there who then tried to say that the picture could be a surviving shot from a deleted scene. In the world of costuming for television, you don’t just cut a costume. Epically with Rory, he stays in an outfit for an entire epp, he doesn’t change that much and cutting an entire costume is a rather big deal. Also, the episode guide says “a love that lasts thousands of years” which leads me to believe that Rory was sucked back to Stonehenge. We know they filmed there (from story’s the actors have shared as well as the trailers) and speculation is that the Pandorica is surrounded by Stonehenge. Perhaps the Pandorica is setting out the craps, purposefully pissing off the Doctor, even taking Rory to make him sit up and take notice? This reminds me of Tom Riddle attacking Herminie taking Jenny down to the Chamber of Secrets, simply to get Harry to come and rescue them. Could it be that the Pandorica is doing this to mess with/eat/destroy the Doctor?
Also, The Ring. Rory was taken by the crack so therefore he never existed. How could a man who never existed buy a ring? Could it be that the crack, like the angles, is absorbing energy from the people it takes to make itself stronger? And we know that the crack is getting bigger. I think it’s feeding the Pandorica, perhaps that’s why it’s going to open soon. Also, we know that Amy didn’t truly forget Rory, as seen in the preview clips for Vincent and the Doctor. Vincent makes a comment about Amy being sad, she says she not, he asks why she is crying, and she is even more confused. The entire time the Doctor is hiding in the back, unsure of what to do.
Something that kills me a little inside is that Arthur’s contract hasn’t been renewed, or as far as we know it hasn’t. It’s been officially released that Karen and Matt are coming back for next year but could the BBC be sitting on Arthurs contract so we don’t know for sure he’s coming back?
This brings up another question. Back when Karen and Matt were first promoting Doctor Who, someone asked if we would get to see Amelia again. Karen got all shifty eyes and looked at Moffit and then made a noncommittal comment. Personally I think the “remember what I told you when you were seven” is about Rory. One of the answers that Moff gave us before epp 1 even aired was something along the lines that they never said it was the 2nd time they met.
All in all, I say the reasons that Rory is not gone is A) the ring still lives, B) we still have an entire costume change for Rory, C) the crack was suposted to whip all traces of memory of the person it took but Amy still remembers him, deep down, D) Amy still needs to remember what the Doctor told her when she was 7 which I’m betting has something to do with Rory, and finally E) It’s a capital crime to kill a man who cosplays (I still say pictures of Rory as Raggedy Doctor or it never happend) due to the fact that there are so few of them out there.
I hope my over caffeinated and extremely tired rambling made since to people besides me and if you feel so, plot away!