So I know that the macron masquerade is a little less than a year away, and there is a shot that I won’t even be in North America (I’m praying that won’t happen) but the Kaity and I have started planning masquerade skits. Let me know what ya’ll think (and if you’d like in)
Kaity and I have two main ideas (we have like… 12 others…) that we are working on right now. The forerunner is based off this video (if you’ve never see BLAST! You really should, it’s beyond epic). Basically we have Amy (or even Rory) come running on stage yelling for the Doctor and saying how the Daleks have taken the mutation one step to far (this can be done by the announcer if we can’t get 11 & co) when the music starts. I’m working on designing Dalek dresses at the moment (see bottom, I’m not 100 percent happy and not quite sure how it will work IRL). Each of the colours is represented by a Dalek, and we are debating between using flag, rifle, and/or saber. After the Daleks leave the stage, the Doctor and companion just stare in bemusement when the Doctor finally asks
Doctor: “so… anything else change?”
Companion: “well, instead of killing people when they exterminate, they throw these at them” (companion pulls out a bag of skittles)
Doctor: “…”
Companion: “so… we should stop them, yeah?”
Doctor: “yeah…”
It’s still a bit ruff but we just like the idea of incorporating Colour Wheel with the new multi coloured Daleks.
The second idea is a Toy Story 3/Doctor Who mash up
Now, I’m assuming you’ve seen Toy Story 3. If not, there is something wrong with you. Go and see it now. I’ll wait.
You’ve seen it now? Good. So you know how at the end Jessie and Buzz do the dance? We were thinking of doing that and getting as many toys as possible (including Slinky with two people) after the dance we hear the sound of the TARDIS and everyone flops to the floor when the Doctor comes sprinting on stage
Doctor: “they’ve moved! I know they’ve moved!”
Companion: “Doctor, they’re dolls. They can’t move. They’re called inanimate objects for a reason.”
Doctor: “but but but! That one has move! I know it was in a different spot when we left!”
Companion: “Doctor, you are officially mad. The next thing you’re gonna say is that stone statues can move. Lets go!”
Doctor: “well…”
Yet again, still ruff, but we like the basic idea. So far we’re thinking of making Buzz out of foam core, poster board and multi coloured duck tape.
I’m hoping to twist the arm of most of my house (I’m living with 8 other nerds next year. I’m so excited!) into helping. 2.5 of them are Who nerds and I plan on infecting the entire house before the end of the year. For the first one we need at least 6 Daleks (it would be beyond epic to have the colour combination Daleks but I’ll be happy with the six) and (hopefully) the Doctor and companion. For the Toy Story we need at least 4, but the more the merrier.
Now this is the first draft of the Dalek dress. I should have done it in a different colour, like red or yellow so you could see the design better… I diden’t realize the purple would be so dark.
So let’s start at the headband. It will be matching to the dress and for the ears/light/…thing… will be clear containers that we will fill with the juice from glow sticks. Still unsure if we want it to be yellow or matching… I drew it in matching… I’d love to have the hair match as well but that’s and expense I’m willing to drop.
The necklace is the eyestalk and I found these taxidermy eyes which we can paint ourselves. They use dear eyes in the show but frankly those are creepy as hell… so no.
The bodice of the dress will be the 4 tear neck with the colour as the base (yeah I know it should be see through but no. just… no), the shoulder… thing will work as a sewn in belt… thing… yeah.
The skirt will have cheerleader like panels with the Dalek bumps (is it bad that I keep thinking “my bumps my bumps my bumps, my lovely Dalek bumps”?) made out of clear plastic ornaments. (best so far but they are 7.5”… which is kinda… huge)
But I think that these, besides being kinda small and expensive, would be hilarious In all seriousness, I’m thinking of filling the balls with foam, putting in rings, and sewing them on like massive buttons. Another option is to get Styrofoam balls and cut them in half but I’m not sure how how durable that would be… or how we would attach them… besides with hotglue
The skirt will end up being a circle skirt (we will all have matching bloomers, I’m thinking of some hugeass poka-dots) and the back panel will be the uncoloured one to the side of the dress, I’m thinking we can peace it together as a quilt
For shoes I’d love to do knee high boots but I’m unsure how willing the others will be to getting a new pair of boots and in an odd colour. Converse is always a failsafe option. Another option is to make duck tape ones. Which got me thinking, we could even make the entire dress out of duck tape. Which would be AWESOME.
As for the arm warmers, the plunger will have a black hand covering and a sliver body and the whisk will be as whisk-like as possible. I have some ideas, just not sure how well they will work IRL
But so far so good, yeah?