semester's almost over. except for that whole exam thing.
twotone and myriam's birthday. i'm pretty sure jared is john travolta in a former life... except for the little hitch that travolta's still alive?
still believe is the funniest picture ever, just from ray's reaction.
jen looking all cute and shit.
spring break backpacking with carson.
spring break post backpacking face-stuffing.
participated in this madness for the 3rd time.
easter at jared's house with patrick and relatives.
i've never been so excited to decorate eggs and egg-hunt.
got all mafia'd up.
anyway, just 4 more tests, a crash course in driving stick shift, a little bit of packing and i'm driving 1700 miles to great sand dunes national park in colorado for the summer. 4 days a week of hiking to collect data and 3 more days a week of hiking for the hell of it on the weekends. i've never had a better summer prospect.