joined by coffee, bonded by words

May 01, 2013 22:46

Summer of 1995, I had been exchanging email with this person that I met on alt.gothic, who turned out to attend university only a couple of towns away in Worcester. We arranged to meet at a cafe and one of her first questions to me was, "so, your handle: c'ris ... is that handle a Dragonriders of Pern reference ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

atalanta May 2 2013, 12:09:47 UTC
"bright, shining enthusiasm for what life had to offer"

that is a good description of her :)


(The comment has been removed)

pyrric May 2 2013, 20:57:43 UTC
You guys are completely destroying my goth cred here.


pyrric May 2 2013, 23:48:17 UTC
Also, thanks. :)


pyrric May 2 2013, 21:41:24 UTC
Since I've moved away, I've harbored this terrible anxiety that I don't remain as important to the people I left behind as they are to me. It's easy to imagine that I've been forgotten, a little like a faded photograph, despite how vivid and present others are to me every day, despite how not a day goes by that I don't remember and smile and feel grateful.

So thank you, so much, for relieving me of that anxiety, and for writing such a beautiful tribute to our friendship. May every word ring as true in twenty years, and the twenty after that. You'll always know where to find me.


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