Day 01: Favourite Torchwood Member
Ianto Jones
This one is really easy for me. He's been my favourite ever since Countrycide. I'm so glad he didn't die like he was originally supposed to right at the beginning of the series, because I'm not sure I would have continued watching it.
I think a great deal of it has to do with him being so easily to relate to, at least for me. There's nothing obviously special about him. Yes he can make a fantastic cup of coffee and tie a Windsor knot, but he's not a genius. At first glance there's probably no reason for him to be in a secret organisation like Torchwood, but he's surprisingly adept at adapting. At the beginning of the series he can barely fire a gun without shaking, and by the time it ends he's a badass. He's not instantly talented, and although the show never exactly shows his progression, my head-canon has always been that he practised really hard to work his way up to Jack's, Gwen's, and Owen's level in the field.
I could probably spend pages talking about how much I like him and the reasons why (my personality profile for him is somewhere around 1500 words now). He's a perfect example of why I liked Torchwood so much. I think the series is heavily flawed, especially in the terms of story, but I can always find aspects of the characters to love. His character especially. His ridiculous sense of humour, his obvious OCD issues, and his awkward social habits. He's flawed, which also makes him brilliant. I hate perfect characters, and I like that the show never tries to make him more than he really is (even if his fan-base sometimes forgets that important factor of his personality).
I don't like his characterisation in CoE. That's about all I'll say about it, because I'm going to TRY and keep this meme positive. I think his questioning of Jack and his desperation was completely OOC and that he accepts Jack for who he is, or he'd never survive a relationship with him.