Day 05: Least Favourite Episode
Children of Earth
I'm just going to go ahead and say all of Children of Earth. The writing was more concise because it wasn't a monster of the week type story with a finale involving plot, but everyone acted out of character to the nth degree, and I even disliked Ianto during it. There were so many plot-holes, and even though the death scene itself was brilliantly acted, the rest of the series kind of fell flat for me. I don't really watch Children of Earth because I like Torchwood campy with a side of serious, and the camp in CoE was just not on point.
Day 06: Something You Liked That Most People Didn't
Gwen and Ianto
Gwen's and Ianto's friendship was one of the most underutilized parts of the show. It's pretty obvious that at some point of the series Gwen went from being almost wary of Ianto to really, really liking him, and obviously the feeling is mutual. I think a lot of people like to imagine that the two of them hate one another, but I don't think it's that way. I think that Ianto generally gets along better with women, and his relationship with Tosh and Gwen is proof of that.
Day 07: Favourite Alien/Villain
Captain John Hart
John Hart made a better villain in one episode than any other, in my opinion. He had motive, and he was both likeable and despicable at the same time. One episode he's tossing Jack off the roof, and then he's saving him from an eternity underground. He's so conflicted, and he would have made a much better series long villain than any other they had on the show.