Written for Valentine's Day 2012 Challenge Prompt 6

Jun 14, 2016 01:19

Title: We’re Only Trying To Protect You
Author: crissytje
Rating: R
Word Count: 1499
Notes/Warning: One bad word. One small mild sexual scene. Takes place in AU seventh year or canon eighth where everyone goes back to Hogwarts. All of the three prompts were used. The prompts were invisibility cloak, stockings and stilettos.

“This is a bad idea.” Harry said to Ron while they were making their way through the halls to the Head common room. “Hermione is going to kill us when she finds us.”

“If she finds us.” Ron answered back, finally stopping in front of a portrait of a little English cottage. “But she won’t. That’s what the invisibility cloak is for.” “Carpe Diem.”

They both stepped inside the doorway created by the opened portrait.

“I still think it’s a bad idea. She trusted us when she gave us the password of her common room and we’re betraying that trust.” Harry now lowered his voice while searching for the best position to hide.

“It’s for her own good. We’re just looking out for her.” Ron was watching the staircase leading to the head bedrooms and listening for any sound that indicated someone coming down.

“She’s been acting very strange since Christmas, not like herself.” He now whispered too.
“She’s been spending much less time with us than usually, she’s been having that dreamy look on her face more and more during mealtimes and she has moved her studying to her common room instead of the library with us. Yesterday we even caught her giggling with Lavender and talking about tomorrow’s Valentine’s day when we stepped out of the classroom after Potions with Slytherin. Giggling? With Lavender? See something wrong here? Even you have to admit that’s out of character.”

Harry grudgingly admitted that. “There. Next to the fireplace and in front the window is a good spot to hide.” He pointed at the spot. “We would have the whole view of the room and they won’t walk into us there.”

They made their way there quickly and settled themselves comfortably. After all they didn’t know how long they would have to wait for any results. When they were in position Ron continued.

“But the scariest thing is that she volunteered to do patrols with Malfoy of all people. Can you be-”

“Malfoy?” Harry hissed back, halting in the act of pulling the cloak over them. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“She begged me not to.” Ron confessed. “Said you were going to make a fuss about it.”

“Didn’t you make one?”

“Of course I did. We had a big argument about it. She said it was so they could discuss head stuff when they were patrolling. It would save her a lot of time. Bollocks if you asked me. She still spends a lot of time with Malfoy doing so called head duties, too much to my liking. Maybe that stupid ferret did something to her, she would never spent so much time with him willingly. Why I have no ide-”

“You should have told me!” Harry now spat angrily but finally putting the cloak on them.

No sooner had he done that when someone was heard coming down the stairs.

‘I just did’ Ron mouthed and shuffled closer to Harry to make sure that every spot of them was covered. It really wouldn’t do them any good to be discovered hiding here. Hermione's wrath would be hellish.


Draco knocked on Hermione’s bedroom door.

“Granger, I have a Charms problem I wanted to discuss with you, can you meet me in the common room?” He was waiting for an answer when suddenly a loud thud and then a curse was heard coming from her room.
“Are you alright?” There was some rustling but no answer back.
“Alright, I’m coming in Hermione.” He was just about to open her door when a ‘NO’ was shouted at him.
He hesitated. “If you’re sure you’re ok.”

“I’m fine.” Hermione then finally answered his question. “Go to the common room, I’ll meet you there in five minutes.”

He made his way down the stairs and walked to where he had left his bag after the lessons to take out his Charms book, a few sheet of parchment and a quill. Then he settled himself into the loveseat in front of the fireplace to wait for Hermione. He didn’t have to wait long, after only two minutes he heard her coming down the stairs and turned around to greet her. The sight before him made his eyes widen and his mouth go dry. Hermione was standing on the last step of the stairs, leaning against the wall with her forearm and dressed in only red bra covered with flowery black lace fitted with its bikini slip, red silky stockings and black high-heel stilettos. All thoughts of his Charms essay flew out of the window and the study materials were cleared off the loveseat onto the carpet immediately. Bye Charms essay, hello hot girlfriend that-he-wanted-naked-as-fast-as-possible. She smiled a sultry smile.

“Happy Valentine Draco” She breathed huskily.

He swallowed hard, not able to keep his eyes off her. “It’s not Valentine yet.” He answered in a thick voice but then berated himself. ‘Shut up you idiot. If she wanted to give him his gift early, who was he to interfere.’

She smiled again. “I know, I wanted to give you an early present.”

She stepped down the last step and made her way to him swaying her hips seductively on the way. He was sure all the blood he had in his body had gone south. And when she straddled him he couldn't help but trust his hips forward and reach out to hold her hips against his. She smirked knowingly at him and let her hands glide to her breasts to palm them and began caressing them. When she then rocked her core against his erection, he couldn’t help but groan from the sight before him and the sensation she gave him. She moved her hands to her back, planning to unhook her bra he guessed but he didn’t want that. He wanted to undress her and he was about to tell her to stop.

“Stop!” Wait. That wasn’t his voice.

Hermione briskly stopped with what she was doing and both their eyes flew to the voices coming from the window next to the fireplace. At first he was confused but then an invisibility cloak was thrown off and two bodies emerged from under it.


They couldn’t believe what they were seeing, for a few minutes they were too stunned to do anything but gape. But when she was about to take off her bra they finally jumped into action.

“Stop!” They both yelled at the same time.

“What do you think you are you doing Hermione?”

“Ferret face, get your filthy hands of our Hermione!”

“Harry! Ron! What are you guys doing here?” Hermione jumped up from his lap surprised and shocked.

Draco had jumped up too and had stepped protectively in front of her, shielding her with his body. He shrugged off his outer robe and passed it behind him to her.

“Why are you fraternizing with the enemy Hermione.” Harry asked upset.

“I’m certain this is all your doing ferret, what have you done to her.” Ron pointed at Draco, his face flushed with anger.
“Fraternizing? What are-”

“I have done noth-”

But they didn’t let them finish.

“How long has this been going on?” Harry looked at Hermione pointingly.

“Did you give her a love potion? She would never willingly do that with you.”

Draco glared at Ron. “She has been for-”

“Why are you sneaking behind our backs?

“And why are you Malfoy willingly touching a mudblood. Sorry Hermione no offense. Are you using her?”

Draco and Hermione both looked indignant.

“I would never do that!”

“I can’t believe I saw that. I think I need to obliviate myself. Malfoy? Why Hermione? Why?

“Harry, you’re blaming the wrong person, I’m sure Hermione is innocent and Malfoy there has coerced her into it. Maybe he’s even using Imperius on her. Hey Malfoy, release her now or Harry and I are going to teach you what real pain is.”

Draco looked on the verge of pummeling Ron to the ground and teach him what real pain was.

“Out!” Hermione finally snapped, startling them both. “Get out now!” She glared furiously at them.



They both stammered.

“You heard me, I said get out.”

“We still have to talk about this.”

“We still have to hex the Ferret.”

“Harry.” She hissed. “We will but not right now. Right now as you both have seen I’m not dressed for it and I’m pissed as hell for being spied on by my two supposed best friends. I trusted you guys with the password.”

“Ron” She spat at him. “You will not hex my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” They both exclaimed shocked.

“Now I’m certain he put her un-”

Hermione pulled Draco’s wand out of the sleeve of his robe.

“If you don’t get out now.” She now threatened. “I’m going to hex you two and I’ll assure you even with Draco’s wand it’ll be painful.”

They looked at her, then at each other and then both scrambled out of the portrait hole.

draco malfoy, hermione granger, fanfic, dramione

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