[After finally reaching Violet city, Anew is relieved to give her pokemon a well deserved rest inside their pokeballs as she takes care of their soon to be new companion
[Anew lets out a gasp when she recognizes Vanille's voice, and she quickly wipes out the tears in her face with both of her hands
She attempts to smile to the camera, but her eyes are still puffy red] Oh..Hi Vanille, I.. [She doesn't feel capable of lying, Vanille is just so kind to her to deserve that, and...Anew is a terrible liar] I don't know
I...I know that I shouldn't be crying, but I.. [She feels the urge to just let the tears flow freely, to not keep thinking anymore and let it all out] I can't think about anything
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She attempts to smile to the camera, but her eyes are still puffy red] Oh..Hi Vanille, I.. [She doesn't feel capable of lying, Vanille is just so kind to her to deserve that, and...Anew is a terrible liar]
I don't know
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