simon_magа - шарманщики с обезьянами (обещанное продолжение)
Fragonard Jean-Honoré (1732-1806)
La lanterne magique (эта картинка напоминает мне стишок
i_sandman'a: "Ты сам себе - мартышка,//ты сам себе - шарманка,//ты сам с собой вприпрыжку//до ночи - спозаранку".
M.Fritze - Artist. Theodor Knesing - Engraver. 1840
Punch. 1855
Pictures of life & character by John Leech-from the collection of Punch.
Penny magazine. Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 1833
Power O'Malley, 1878-1946
Organ Grinder and his Monkey, London, c.1893
Organ Grinder and his Monkey, London, 1895
May 14, 1887
Little folks. А magazine for the young. Cassell, Petter & Galpin, 1871-
From Water lilies. (New York .The National Temperance Society and Publication House, 1877)
Aug. 11, 1860
Bellew, Frank , 1828-1888
Theodor Petter (1822-1872), Street Musician
Чувство слуха
Gibson, Charles Dana (1867-1944)
Royal Doulton
MOSELL wind up music box
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