
Mar 26, 2013 22:10

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Comments 5

q croak108 October 7 2013, 19:05:06 UTC


q croak108 October 7 2013, 19:11:10 UTC


croak108 October 7 2013, 19:36:15 UTC
<>2010`8`15S 1. Tu l`room. D`wr 3 Bulgars d`in eeqfn wacjtyng for free food in the Rome-Den. The washo was emptyqx. SM tu Stripy @2:44 Collected the wash:ment and dydnt cyme for mee? Miaow? x_x_x[] George's Munch.
. In:tu l`room and loe cloathes in the washo - it was a trick of the lyght! SM tu Stripy @xp16 It was a trick of the lyght! Well collect em nuow - dhere's a kew. x_x_x[] QT5 Adama came in:tu l`room , and shiffted HYZ cloathes fm the washo tu the drycjo! SM tu Stripy @xp5 It wasnt a bluddyqx well trick of the lyght - dhem was Adama's cloathes! Huow cyme noe contact soe faar td? Miaow![] NF`Neck came in soon , and dyde hyz wash.
. @6:40§ Pig:Wit came in and sedd Ime not the moast danjeras person on the [mumble], `t gie yz.. Hee was back a mnt later tu tell `t nobles in Rome eat turds presented on sylqfyr salqfers.
. @7:47§ Aqhmed`HE turned up. SM fm Stripy _20:51:58 Sorry Barnes[,] ih thught it was too late & [ih] dydnt wasnt tu dis:turb =dhee x x x[] And _20:54:18 It[']s not mygh laund:rye[] Aqhmed`HE left @11§.
<>2010`8`16M ( ... )


croak108 October 7 2013, 20:01:33 UTC
<>2010`8`19H Up alwl Wednog niht, and ih dydnt doo enfnk use:ful. SM tu Stripy @6AM Hee patted the earth in:tu place like an amateur gardener pottyng a plaant. Croak![] SM tu Jinnji @6AM On Wednog after:noon ih saw a skwyrel buryhyng a nut in uor garden. Hee patted the earth in:tu place like an amateur gardener pottyng a plaant.[] Rats - ih for:got tu add Croak. Ih fell a:sleep sume time after 8 ( ... )


croak108 October 7 2013, 20:04:50 UTC
<>2010`8`21R 3:02 - ih don't cnoaw huow ih wuond up soe late! Getyng tu HxH was not feasïbl. Tu George's Munch. Ih made a point of getyng mygh chips in paper not polystyrene.
. Tu Big:Muck NHG: Robin Mj. Lilyth came in and sat left of the aacjl. Prezznt:ly shee came tu us , and s``t shee was off soon. RGP came in, and dhey 2 sat at the adjacent table. Mygh suspïcion was `t Lilyth propozed leaqfyng 5mnt after shee got dhere bcoz ih stecjed where ih was when shee took a table. When pressed on the matter, Lilyth sedd `t she wanted tu aqfoïd HC but short:ly s``t HC yz stecjyng a:wecj fm where Lilyth yz. Later on Colin Walwl joined unn:tu dhem. We wr dhere till clozance, which sure:ly yz confirmation of mygh suspïcion.
. RGP and ih saw Colin on:tu the #70 "bus" dhen walked tu the statuh of StQfladimir. Jesus's Specimen Preghyr; trew preghyr;; interaction at the dacj-centre; whye goe dhere at alwl?: d\yz a shuwyr he can uze free of charrj;; an American pen-frennd: dhey met fyrst in 1996.


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