Screw these kids' fucking parents. Screw them all. Stupid, uninterested, meddlesome bastards (no, this is no contradiction in termini because they are uninterested in their children's triumphs while being extremely meddlesome when their precious little darling doesn't receive the expected praise from everyone in every single fucking subject).
When do I get e-mails? When the little prince or princess gets a bad mark. Not when we do a cool project, not when they get a good mark that shows my teaching is successful (because it was all their genius self what did it, you see), no, only when there's a bad mark it MUST be the teacher's fault. When little Genius jr. gets a D instead of his usual As and Bs. Then, and only then, the class test is worth a second glance. Maybe, just maybe the teacher forgot to add a point here or there? Maybe the wording of the questions is somehow misinterpretable so that I, a grown-up person in a full-time job have a reason to go and demand some of the the teacher's time in order to rant at them on the phone or write elaborate e-mails!!!!!1
I HATE TALKING TO PARENTS ON THE PHONE when they demand my time after a bad (or "bad") mark! It's NEVER constructive. They only ever want to take their frustration over their kid's perceived failure out on me. And I CAN'T RESPECT that grown-ass people get upset about THEIR FUCKING KID GETTING A FUCKING D IN FUCKING MUSIC LESSONS! I JUST DON'T GET IT! How is that even worth their time? Why do they think that's reason enough to demand my time? An F, okay, yes. If it's relevant for their having to repeat the year or not... okay. Not that those convos are ever constructive, but hey. I get that they're desperate. But little Prince Mr. Perfect Offspring gets a D in a test that counts 30% towards the final mark? Oooooh, call a whaaambulance. Let's demand a "discussion of the music test".
FUCK YOU! There is nothing to discuss. I'm not e-mailing you demanding to discuss the way you word your letters to clients or court statements or cooking recipes or whatever. Why do they expect that it's okay to tell me how to do my job just because it doesn't suit their personal needs? Do they do the same thing to their lawyer or their insurance thingy person?
I am SO glad I don't have to do this for the rest of my life.