Researching for Biology. I got Flamingos. They're almost as cool as GIRAFFES. But no, they're not. Nick told me they had an Emu at the zoo, but they didn't. *Tear* Oh well. Back to research... -Andy.
Good luck on your project, homes! I swear I'll burn those CDs for you soon... which ones did you want besides the ugly organ? or was it cursive... I don't know. xD Alex made it clear on the CD, I'm just too lazy to put it on the compy.
Flamingos are the shizzle. If you just imagin one riding a giraffe, you'll be alright. Then they're combined to make a super animal!
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Flamingos are the shizzle. If you just imagin one riding a giraffe, you'll be alright. Then they're combined to make a super animal!
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