It seems that weight I felt was missing when I first arrived was a sword.
I got one earlier the previous day and it seemed as if I'd found what was missing.
I'll probably be going out much more often to practice my swordwork from now on.
[Private/viewable by Cloud, Sirius, and Remus] )
Comments 15
I'm glad to hear that there are so far no symptoms showing that you've been infected. I'm hoping there's something in the atmosphere of this place that prevents such things, but that could be asking too much. We should both try to keep ourselves away from others On the 30th, just in case.
((OOC: Ari says it's up to us if you want lycanthropy to transfer))
Yes, that'd probably be a good idea. I don't think I want to risk it.
[['s tempting you know...I vote we dice roll for it...once I can get my own internet working-I'm on my family comp right now]]
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