Anti-Imperialist Anarchist Contingent

Dec 08, 2006 14:19

These Anarchist really make me laugh. For the true definition of anarchy being, is the belief that all forms of ruler ship are oppressive and should be abolished. They wish for a peace and land with no owner ship. Like that just might happen. Shit would hit the fan if that ever happened, and I'm sure most of these pot smoking college kids would be ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

machinedelmorte December 8 2006, 16:50:44 UTC
It does in a way eat it self in the end. Anarchy comes in different forms and levels. Also there are other anarchists who will be opposed to your brand of anarchy.


cronovbankin December 8 2006, 18:47:48 UTC
If you ask me they're all screwed up.


machinedelmorte December 9 2006, 06:49:49 UTC
Well there are different kind of anarchists depending on what you feel strongly against. For me it's boybands and bad pop music.


showroomdummy December 8 2006, 23:43:58 UTC
when i was about 12, i was talking with someone about how i thought anarchy was cool.. she was from an unstable south american country, and told me that i would never want to live in anarchy.. that i could get raped and killed with no electricity or food and with no police or order to protect me.. that was her world and why she left.. it changed my mind and made me realise that it would not be my ideal way of life..


machinedelmorte December 9 2006, 06:52:33 UTC
"get raped and killed with no electricity or food and with no police or order to protect me".... that's only on Mondays


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