title: It Was Fascination, I Know author: crooked pairing: Remus/Sirius rating: PG-13 word count: 4842 summary: Over the years, Sirius develops a fascination with watching Remus sleep. a/n: submission for Team Canon @ the rs_games '09. originally posted here.
i have fics and other things to post, but this is far more important at the moment. there are approximately 33 million people worldwide who are living with AIDS. that leaves 6,659,030,277 of us who can do something to help.
it is/was (depending on where you live) National Coming Out Day. i don't have much to say on the subject because i really have no right to; i'm heterosexual and cisgendered, and i understand my privilege in being able to say that. i have seen people who have the audacity to think that writing/reading slash makes them some sort of authoritative
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title: on the beach at Worthing author: crooked pairing: Remus/Sirius rating: PG word count: 864 a/n: for day thirty-one @ dogdaysofsummer. title a play on Joyce's On the Beach at Fontana. and for imochan, yeats, & birdsandrobbers for breathing life into this beloved comm, giving such amazing prompts everyday, and just generally being amazing. thank you ♥
title: i got this searing love which burns without cue author: crooked pairing: Remus/Sirius rating: G word count: 275 a/n: for day thirty @ dogdaysofsummer. title taken from the Buzzcocks' song Love Battery.
title: he lives by make-believe author: crooked pairing: Remus/Sirius rating: PG word count: 435 a/n: for day twenty @ dogdaysofsummer. title taken from a William Somerset Maugham quote.
title: sweetly sound the wedding bells author: crooked pairing: Remus/Sirius, Lily rating: PG word count: 655 a/n: for day four @ dogdaysofsummer. title taken from a poem by Eliza Cook. also, this was meant to be more R/S-y but... this is what came out. sorry? :D