I spent quite a bit of time this morning - between trying to get through my last day at work until next Tuesday, dealing with the new pick system crashing (twice) and product not fitting in the locs I assigned it to....
Last night I had a meeting in downtown Seattle, which ended at approximately 9:30 pm. The group of 5 of us walked out of the building - two headed for West Seattle in one car, two of us headed to another car - one was left waiting for a ride. She seemed confident, I asked if her ride was coming - "of course" she said as she headed across the street. I wanted to wait with her - did I think she needed MY "protection?" no. Do I think you are safer in a group? Most definitely. I just felt like I should wait with her - I didn't - for a couple of reasons. First, I was exhausted and I had to drive to Monroe. Second - I didn't want to offend her - if she thought that I thought she couldn't take care of herslef.
What I really would like to be able to honestly answer for myself is whether or not two years ago I would have waited with her - without hesitation, without worrying about whether I would offend her, or come off as some hot shot who thought he could protect her against what "evil" was lurking on the Seattle streets at the time. Would I even be thinking about this if it had been a lone male instead of a lone female waiting for a ride? Does it matter? Should it matter?
Life as me is great - but there are definitely things that I had not thought about coming into view - not wanting to appear a Chauvinist but I enjoy / want to be a gentleman.
If I survive the heat of Texas and the total emersion into the Mary Kay "cult" - I will be home on Sunday
Take care