Hey, Look at the Sun Shiiiiiiiine!

Apr 05, 2007 21:46

Spring Break is here!!!!! Yay!!!!!!

And I'm actually excited for the Easter Vigil and Easter services. Usually I hate staying up and then getting up at the crack of dawn and singing all weekend, but this year I want to do it. I got my feet washed at tonight's service, too. I feel very good.

Aren't they cute?! Who knew McDonald's still occasionally came out with decent toys. I am an avid Oz fan and Doll collector, so how on earth could I pass this up? I got half and my Dad found the other half. All together, about $12 including two meals, one of which I actually ate. Their chicken nuggets do at least taste reasonably like chicken now. It's an improvement. Dad and I are on good terms again, too, which is also exciting seeeing as we'll be sharing the house all day, every day for the next week or so. A good spurt of teamwork like this always boosts the relationship. I'm so happy!


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